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Abby has become the sole survivor of her team. They were targeted by a gas bomb that was fired by clandestine elements within the military to test a super soldier creating gas. The gas worked, but only in certain and unpredictable ways, and only truly on the women in her team. The men all experienced massive and random growth of bone and muscle that resulted in their bodies tearing apart from the inside out, and growing so violently that the growth in many cases continued after their clinical deaths. The women on the other hand experienced fairly even rapid muscle growth and cellular fortification. Some also experienced increases in height and other generally beneficial attributes, but ultimately all but Abby died. Seemingly the rest of the women's hearts had not fortified as quickly as the rest of their bodies resulting in heart failure across the board. It would seem Abby only survived because she was too angry to die. Now, as her body has continued adding more and more muscle, becoming denser and more resistant to harm, Abby has fended off no less than 3 special forces teams sent to collect her for examination and dissection to determine just exactly how she survived while the others had not.

Well, that got wordy. I actually don't know a whole lot about this character from The Last of Us Part II. I have had her for a long time, but refrained from using her because of a lot of controversy surrounding the game, and I got the impression a lot of it centered around this character. And not just the typical controversy of a woman with muscle, for that would have had the opposite effect on my desire to use the character. But, I figured it was finally time. And now I can do some clash of titans piece with Ellie and Abby squaring off.



White Throne

She's an absolutely muscle beast! Love the mass on her!