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Heyo! So, a while back I took a month off for the sake of my health, and I think that's going to have to be a regular thing. I've tried powering through a lot, but fact is: my mental and physical health is bad. It's nothing to "worry" about, really, it's just that I definitely need to take a few breaks here and there to prevent burnout and so that my health doesn't worsen.

So, I'm planning on taking a couple months off this coming year. I'll be taking a break in January, and one in June, and we'll see how that goes. I'll keep you guys posted if anything changes, and I'll make a post at the beginning of those months as a reminder that I'm taking them off.

Thank you for your support, everyone.

-Arch ^^



Yeah, take your breaks man! You certainly deserve time off to recuperate after all!


Thanks for keeping us updated ArchFox, that's very respectable of you. Hope that everything goes well for you in the new year!