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Hello! Polls have ended and this month's winner is the gym setting! I'll get started on it asap, but first I wanted to give you guys a quick update on things.

Well, first of all I wanted to apologize for being quiet this month. I've had a lot of family situations and obligations that have kept me busy all month and I've barely had time to do any writing, but I just wanted to make this update so you guys know where I'm at and such.

I'll hopefully be able to get out a couple of stories within the next couple weeks, or at the very least one by the end of the month. I'm planning on working on, in this order, the voted-for story as well as the Starfox Fox x Andross story; I want to get the final part of Prince in Chains out soon too.

Things should calm down over here soon which means I'll be able to devote more time to writing.

Thanks for your patience!

-Arch ^^


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