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So, I'm back! A journal was posted on my SoFurry account a while back explaining the situation, namely that I was recently hospitalized with Covid. But I'm home now and recovering.

I wanted to apologize for going so quiet and such for the past few weeks, the virus really screwed me over to the point where I had to get a friend of mine to write the SF journal for me.

I want to thank everyone who wished me well while I was in hospital and everyone who donated to help out, I really appreciate it! I also wanted to thank my buddy Sandio for posting said journal for me while I was in hospital.

Anyway, I'm hoping to get back to writing soon, though it might be a bit slow over the next few days as I fully recover and everything. 

Thanks again for your support, everyone! Hopefully I'll be able to get things back to normal around here soon.

-Arch ^^


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