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In this first story combining sneezy fiction + artwork, I'd like to give you a modern-day view of my OC Chunhua suffering from allergies after a long day at work.  I hope you enjoy it.


Transitioning into allergy season is always a bit of an adjustment.  Like learning how to walk or drive again each winter when it begins to snow, every year when winter turns back to spring and the trees begin blossoming, those who suffer from springtime hay fever need to go through learning again how to protect themselves. Without such foresight, they risk being caught unprepared for the rapidly increasing amounts of pollen and the aggressive allergy symptoms they provoke in their itchy eyes and runny noses.

It was one such warm, high-pollen day for Chunhua.  When getting ready for work that morning, she had lamented still not having had the chance to restock her supplies of tissues and a particular prescription-strength nasal spray that seemed most effective for her very sensitive, very allergic nose.  Still, she had a few allergy pills left and took one of those before heading to work.  By around 2:00pm she was regretting her lack of preparation for this year’s allergy season which was building up to be a severe one.  Her nose could feel it.

“Hahh-... hhhaAAHH!-...  hhheaAHT-TCHHIIuuuhh!!...  HeeEKT-NNSCHHIUUuuhh!!...”  A few wet sniffles.  A wipe of her red, runny nose.  A few wetter, thicker sniffles.  A moan, then another itchy sneeze.  “Ughh…  hhh-... hheehHHH-.. HEEIGHH-NNGNSCHHHIIIUUuuuhh!!!”  Chunhua’s shoulder-length black hair swayed slightly from the force of her hay fever sneezes, as did her tasteful gray office skirt, its streamlined pleats following the curves of her elegantly smooth legs.

“Chunhua?  Are you okay?” called out a coworker, also a young woman of a similar age to Chunhua..

“Ughh.. no,” Chunhua replied, sounding congested and wiping her wet nostrils with the back of her hand.  She was trying very hard to not spurt and spray all over her white sleeveless collared blouse.  “Not really…”  She sniffled, trying to control the runniness seeping from her allergic nose.  Removing her hand from her nose and bending her knees in order to put away a stack of documents back into a low office cabinet, Chunhua’s face came distressingly close to some decorative flowers sitting atop the furniture.  “Heeegh!-..” Immediately the tickle in her nose flared up.  Why put flowers inside when there were already so many blossoming things outside??  She stood up, tried to keep her gaze away from the large office windows displaying the trees, the flowers, the pollen, all in their springtime glory, and let the intense hay fever itch again overcome her allergic, unprotected nose.  The itch even caused a tear to escape her irritated eyes and trickle down her cheek as she sneezed uncontrollably.  “HUHH!-..  HUUKT-TCCHHIIUGHH!!!...  HEEKT-NGIIISSCCHHIIUGH!!!  HEE-EEIIGHHSSCHHHUUGH!!!”

Chunhua’s considerate friend offered some kind words, though Chunhua wished she could at least offer a tissue. “Bless you!  It’s those allergies, huh?  It’s getting pretty bad now, hun.  Even worse than yesterday.  Maybe you can take the rest of the day off?  I’ll cover for you here.”

Chunua’s eyes lit up, pink-rimmed and watery as they were.  “Really?  Oh thank you!  Yes, I thihh-..  Think I’d better head home…”  She sniffled again, wiped again, nearly sneezed again.  “Ughh.. I can’t take this.  Thankfully my husband’s picking up a new supply of my prescription nasal spray.  That should help.”

“I hope it does.  You look like you need it.”

“I-... I do… hoo-.. Hheeeh-... hhHEEGGH-EEEASSCHHIIIUGHhh!!” Chunhua sneezed wetly into her hand.

After saying a quick thank you and goodbye to her colleague, Chunhua gathered up her things and left her office as quickly as possible, but not before grabbing a couple tissues from her desk - the very last two in the box, as a matter of fact. It was a miracle she still had any, as her supply had rapidly depleted over the last few days while the landscape grew more decorated with blossoms of all types and her nose grew more miserable for it.

Making one’s way back home was yet another ordeal for a hay fever sufferer, and Chunhua would indeed need to suffer a while longer.  She walked to the bus stop near her office, waited in the open air as the bus took its sweet time in coming, boarded the bus only to then endure its constantly opening-and-closing doors, each time hitting her face with a pollen-filled gust of fresh hay fever misery.

“Heggh!-.. HEKT-CSHHHIUUGHhh!!... HEE-NNNGIISHHIIUGHHhh!!!”  Wet sniffle… sharp snort… tired moan… “uuugh…”

She closed her eyes, tried not to think about it, but each passing second made her nose more itchy, more runny, more red and irritated by every single pollen grain that was finding its way through her wet nostrils and nestling into her sensitive, swollen nasal membranes.

“Hiih-..  heh-HEHHhh!-...” an itchy hitch of her breath nearly preceded another sneeze, before the tingling, agonizing itch left her hanging and unfulfilled.  Her red nostrils twitched and flared in protest, the hay fever itch mercilessly toying with her nose.

The effects of Chunhua’s allergy pills had long since diminished to nothing.  Her two little tissues from the office had quickly become soaked and useless not long after she stepped out of her office.  Nothing was shielding her from this onslaught of pollen, this assault of springtime hay fever.  She raised her hand to her nose, using her fingers to massage and rub the itch at the bridge of her nose, at each watery nostril, trying to scratch away that terrible tingling but of course to no avail.  The only thing it accomplished was to push the runniness from her nose out onto her upper lip and fingers.

It was such an embarrassing, watery, slippery mess.  All Chunhua could think about was her allergies, how she must have looked to the others on the bus, how she needed to blow her nose, how she needed to take more medicine, how she needed to escape the pollen, how she needed to get home, how she needed to get out of her pollen-dusted clothes and take a shower, how she needed to… needed… to….


… To sneeze.  And that’s exactly what she did nearly every moment until she finally made her way back to her home, flew into her bedroom, tore off her pollen-contaminated clothes, all while still suffering the full effects of her hay fever.


She pulled off her white panties, revealing even more of her lovely full ass as it shook alluringly from the violent fit of harsh sneezes.

“Huhh!-.. hhhyEGHH!-..  HIIG-NNGGIIISSSCHHH!!  HEK-KSSCCCHHHHGH!!!”  Chunhua’s body was a mix of actions brought on by her allergic sneezes, some parts tensing, some parts quivering, some parts spraying.  “HEHH- HIIGKT-KSCCCHHIIUUGHHH!!!”

After stumbling into her bathroom, Chunhua snatched up some fresh tissues using them to dry and soothe her wet, runny, itchy nose as it yet still threatened to explode with allergy sneezes.  As a result of the hastiness with which she undressed, much of the pollen which had previously coated her office attire now flew about and swirled around her, the motes dancing in the sunlight streaming through the window.  She was also unable to escape the masses of pollen which stuck to her sheets of long, black hair, where each forceful sneeze caused Chunhua to bob her head, expelling another little swirl of pollen motes, some of which regrettably finding their way into her nose to join so many others.

“iiiiIIGHHSSSCHHHhh!... hehh.. heggh-NNGEEEAASSCHHHhhh!!...”

Chunhua hurriedly turned on the shower and blew her nose into tissue after tissue while waiting for the water to warm up.  She stood there in her bathroom, naked and vulnerable, blowing and sniffling and wiping and rubbing, leaving her nose red and sore but still excruciatingly runny and itchy.  Allergies.  One couldn’t fully appreciate the misery of a full-blown allergy attack unless you have lived through it.  Chunhua had suffered them countless times throughout her life.  Each time was terrible.  “Heeghh!-..  HEEK-NNGKSSCHHHIIIUUGH!!...” She blew her nose hard, wiped away as much of the watery mess as she could, and dropped the spent tissue to her bathroom table.  Sniffle… sssnnnrfff… “ughhh…” The misery was indescribable.

Steam was beginning to build in Chunhua’s bathroom shower stall, though her eagerness was rudely interrupted by yet another surging need to sneeze.  It welled up from deep in her swollen, soaked nasal mucosa.


It coursed through her entire nasal cavity, forced her nostrils to flare as wide and round as possible, reddened her nose even further with a fiery hue reflecting the burning intensity of this allergy-induced urge to sneeze.


Chunhua grasped desperately at something, anything, from the pile of wet, discarded tissues laying on the bathroom table.  Whatever it was that her hand blindly found, she raised it to her mouth and nose, spraying it messily with hay fever sneezes that simply gave Chunhua no rest or relief from the agonizing allergy itch.


Chunhua’s lovely nude body shook and shuddered from her sneezes.  Her full, soft curves quivered as steam began to envelop and swirl around her.  She sniffled hard as she wiped at her nose one last time with the tissue before jumping into the hot shower.  Finally.  The steam and warm water immediately had a soothing effect, a slight comfort while the pollen in her nose continued to ravage her allergic mucus membranes.

For a brief while, Chunhua’s sneezes calmed and subsided, letting her wash her pollen-covered body and hair.  Sniffle…  There was just so much pollen…  Sniffle…  Was this year even worse than before?  “Ughh…”  Sniffle!...  Though she managed to wash the pollen from her body and hair, there was little she could do about the masses already lodged all throughout the insides of her nose.  Snnrrrfff!...  All the pollen trapped in the smooth folds of her nose’s delicate, highly allergic mucus membranes.  Snnrrrfff!!... The pollen that was causing all this terrible, messy, itchy, watery misery, unmitigated from a severe lack of the prescription-strength nasal spray that she desperately needed.

“Heeghh-... HHUUUHHH!-...”  Mucus membranes… Mucus… all the runny snot that plagued her allergic nose, a nose that was building up yet more mucus that very moment, as a response to wash out all that horrible, invasive pollen.

She needed to let it out.  The mucus, the pollen, the itch, the suffering…  “HEGHH-HIIIIHHH!!-...” She was in the shower. Nobody would see her. She could just let it out. Let it all come out. Each and every snot-soaked grain of disgusting pollen! “HHHUUUHHH!!-” Let it all out!


Dual torrents of clear, viscous mucus shot out of Chunhua’s flared red nostrils.  Her hay fever was intense and severe, and the ribbons of snot reflected that.  It was her allergic body’s hope of flushing the loads of pollen out from her nose to spray and drip down her lips, chin and chest as a pair of glistening, melting icicles.

“Ugh!..  Oh mby god…” Chunhua exclaimed with some disgust and surprise.  She sniffled, only to have yet more snot spurt out from another sneeze.  “HNNNGG-IIIHHSSCHHHHHH!!!”  She blew her nose, hard and into her bare hand, letting the hot water from the shower wash away the mucus and pollen that caused her such suffering now that it had been expelled from inside her nose.

She continued washing.  After some time, Chunhua turned off her shower and stepped out.  As she walked to the towel rack, the merciless tingling in her nose still plagued her.  She felt mildly improved but there was no eliminating her allergy attack from a mere shower alone.

As another urge to sneeze sharply surged, Chunhua failed to grab a towel and brought a white washcloth to her nose instead.  She sneezed into it, relishing in the soft comfort of the washcloth’s absorbent fabric soaking up the runny effects of her sneezes.


Chunhua sniffled and blew her nose, using the washcloth to wipe and rub her itchy nostrils.  She stood, wet and dripping, tending to that itch as much as possible to tame the sneezes, if even just a little.  As an unfortunate side effect, the washcloth chafed her wet nostrils even further, deepening the red tint and stinging her chapped skin though Chunhua couldn’t stop herself from using the washcloth to forcefully scrub at both of her red, still-itchy nostrils.  Still itchy!

“Hiieghh-...” Still.  “HEEGHH!-..”  Itchy.  “HEEEGH-EEASSSCHHUFFFHhhh!!”

She needed that nasal spray.  She needed her husband to return home.  She needed to lay her head down.  All the sneezing and blowing had given her a headache.  Even her eyes, which squinted tightly shut with each violent sneeze, were suffering more than usual, now swollen and red-rimmed in addition to the itchy, gritty wateriness that was as much a hallmark of her hay fever as was her itchy, runny nose.

Chunhua dried her body and hair as much as she reasonably could, slipped on a pair of panties, and flopped herself onto her bed.  Her nose ran.  Her eyes watered.  She tended to both weakly with her little white washcloth.

The shower had helped ward off the worst of her severe symptoms, but Chunhua was still miserable in every sense.

“Huuhh!..  HUUUT-TTSSCHHHIIUUGHHH!!!”  She sprayed a wet sneeze up into the air, the fine droplets falling down onto her bare breasts shortly after they were expelled.  Sniffle!... “ughh..” another weak moan escaped Chunhua’s lips as she realized that her bed was probably dusted with pollen from the load that had previously coated her office clothes but had been made airborne as she undressed and now likely settled onto her pillow and bedsheets.  Just great…


Amidst a haze of itchiness, Chunhua pulled her favorite pink nightshirt over her shoulders before plopping right back down onto her bed, pollen be damned.  She just didn’t care any more.  She would just lay there, looking out her window and being thankful that she was at least indoors, waiting just… what, maybe an hour or two before her husband finally arrived back home with that blessed nasal spray.

“EEH-EEEAASCHHHUGHH!!”  Sniff… Sniffle!...

Chunhua would endure her allergy attack a while longer.  She thought, after she had recovered some strength, she might even take a sexy red-nosed selfie for her husband to enjoy and perhaps motivate him to hurry back home a little quicker.  She knew how much he loved seeing her like that.  She would wriggle and flare her red, wet nostrils.  She would wipe, rub and massage at the always-present, always-unsatisfied itch in her allergic nose.  Her husband would love seeing that.  He would love to do more than just seeing.

As is the same for someone who cannot fathom the extent of hay fever suffering without experiencing it, for someone without a sneeze fetish, you really have to experience it to really understand it…


At least Chunhua’s allergies were good for something.



Would love to see what she'd do for her hubby with that nose..