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Hey guys! 

This is the monthly plan again.

I will start right away with when I will be unavailable and go on vacation. Yeaahh! There will be a power outage in the house on August 8. So I will rest that day. Also, from August 21st to 31st, I will be on leave and going on vacation. I've been rolling this over for a while now. But now I feel I need it and the summer is almost over. :)


  • This week I will try to finish the BJ animation
  • Next week, I would like to hand over the work to VAs
  • Also, I will try to finish the Halloween 2022 extended animation in August

If everything goes well, I can start working on GK4 in the second half of September. In that regard, I might announce a little game while I'm away. And the winning idea can be included in the 4th part.

Thank you and have a nice evening!