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Hey guys! I tuned in to the location of the next episodes of LiT. Now two episodes will come in a row. In part 3, the doggy toy will be starring. In part 4 comes a new toy: BBC.

Pimped prison:

4K image: https://imgur.com/HYIw7q4
4K image: https://imgur.com/dH0Aq8k
4K image: https://imgur.com/drgyJBy 

I create two more props. Doggy cage and BDSM cross: https://imgur.com/5BHqjkZ 




Awsome :D!!!!




Hot stuff


lara's tight pussy and bbc....the dark side will come soon lol

Firts Lats

Very nice! One suggestion, I'd simply run the power cord through the gap in between one of the non-door bars. Simple early fix, and renders the 4th-wall possibility of the chord pinching/having issues if the door is closed, non-existent... Also this is amazing. :D

Supreme Overlord Llama

Oooohhh, exciting and doggy cage you say? I like where this going :P

Firts Lats

Oh yeah I didn't mean for you to close the door, just that if the chord is going through a place not in the way of the door, future possibilities of the door being closed (or just in the viewers imagination if it were to be closed, let's say) wouldn't be an issue.