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Hey! In January, we achieved a huge goal. I can work on the project full time. I am very grateful to everyone. I'll post about the details on Monday.

February plans:

  • I'll finish Gatekeeper P2 (I promise) :)
  • I make alternative versions of P2
  • I'm making the February LiT episode
  • I'll start our Discord server
  • I set new goals
  • Lara model gets an update
  • Start P3

Guys! Important: Don't ask when it's ready, because I can't tell. From monthly plans and posts you can see what I am working on and in what condition. I can't say anything new. When something is done, I upload it immediately. Thank you for your understanding!

The most important thing for me is to develop with all the work. And you get the best of me every time.


- Max



Thanks for the Update!


If you added a 3 dollar sub option, I'd upgrade! Just sayin :)


let Fab

Firts Lats

It's Leap Year 0_o


Change: Now I see that I won't start P3 this month. I'd like to upgrade the Lara model before doing so. As a result, the P3 start will be postponed to March. :(


In March, priority will be given to shifting working hours and meeting missed targets. Also, building a new computer (Nuclear submarine). I would like to accomplish these things as soon as possible. Of course there will be content. More details will be in the March plans post.


New rig, eyebrows, makeup and lips. Adjustable nipples, pussy and bikini line. And many more little things. Which make the model easier to work with. Fixes.