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I'm hoping I can share at least a lil bit of every look with you all by Valentines Day! (there for sure will be at least one posted in its entirety)  I'm also planning some other Valentine treats that I've discussed a bit on discord already. I for sure will be offering the personalized valentine fansigns and/or valentine short greeting videos. Through KoFi and maybe Onlyfans as well for convenience.

I would like to do the physical valentines exclusively on patreon mailed to Mythical tier + this month but I am still trying to figure out the polaroid options!!

If enough of you would be interested in the physical Valentine and I can finance it I may open it up to Legendary tier as well. Let me know if this is something that would make you consider being at Legendary tier + ❤️




the smile at the end is adorable


Thanks for the treat 😍