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Hey guys what do you all think about me shooting a set that is just 1-2 photos posted over time(every day or every other day kinda thing similar to 0F) ?

Like still have the core sets each month that are all accessible via Dropbox in their own posts when done but also maybe some casual or spicy not as elaborate type pics that are just posted through out the month so that the wall stays active for you all while waiting for sets to be published ? Not as spicy as HD sets at legendary tier + of course but just a little something probably starting at shiny tier?

I’m not sure if this is making sense 😅 just a random thought I had so I can make sure you all feel being here is worthwhile. Let me know!


D Walraven

Sounds like a good idea. 🤍


I will start trying this out soon!! Thank you all for the feedback :D