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What can I say? I just really like this set lol so here's another preview. I'll be posting Tifa soon and then letting specific tiers vote on which HD spicier set goes to Legendary  vs what is Mythical tier exclusive. Poll will not be open for long since we are nearing the end of the month so keep an eye out if you want to vote!

The bonus set for Shiny tier+ patrons who are here this month to beginning of next month will be shot tomorrow, it's going to be a normal me: holiday version. So be sure to stay pledged if you want it!

We are getting closer and closer to reaching the goal to send EVERYONE a HD spicy set 🤩 All in all anniversary month has been pretty rad here because of all of you so as always, thank you for the support!




you are super spicy in this set, can't wait for Tifa! thank you for all you do Jaz


YAY!!! Preview hype!!! Can’t wait to see Tifa and this whole set 😃