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Just wanted to give some disclaimers as far as this tier goes for those who may be interested:

-You MUST message me about your interest in the tier BEFORE pledging! (So we can determine character and make sure you fully understand the rewards)

-Expressing interest in the tier needs to take place the month before you actually join the tier. This is so I can get everything together for your sponsored cosplay so you get your

rewards ASAP

. Just send me a DM here to discuss!

-No one can be in the tier for consecutive months. Must have at least one month break between pledges to allow others the opportunity to pledge if they would like.

I think those are the main points/questions I wanted to address for now. Basically just message me if you are curious or interested in the tier and I can explain more as needed!

Also I know the GS tier is extra as hell and I have 0 expectations for people to join it. Just a spot for those who want me to cosplay a specific character or wear an ensemble they like. I appreciate the heck out of every single one of you so thank you all for supporting me in general❤️



I have personally heard from multiple former GS tier patrons and they ABSOLUTELY LOVED it! If you're capable of joining it and at all considering it -- I HIGHLY encourage you to send Jaz a DM. She's amazing, and you won't be disappointed!