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First off and most importantly, thank you all SO MUCH for your support here. Your generosity has meant the world to me, and has helped me begin my journey til now.

Now to the unpleasant bit-

I am unhappy with the content I have been making on Patreon. I started this journey in an attempt to better fund my passion and eventually make that passion my livelihood in some shape or form. With the ultimate goal to somehow enrich the lives of others the way many with a large media presence have bettered mine. 

Somehow along the way I lost my purpose. Patreon stopped being about my passion and what I loved and strictly, "what can I do to make more people want to support me?" Of course, this isn't how you can go about a REAL, SOLID and most importantly HEALTHY community. I think this is something I've always known which has caused a lot of internal conflict throughout my time on this platform that made negative feelings seep into my day to day. My Patreon has plateaued the past 6 months or so probably largely due to my heart not being fully in the content I've been creating. The scavenging for leaks has sky rocketed over that time as well. I take these as more signs that this is not right for me. 

As much as I'd like to believe I'm above being even indirectly influenced by others it turns out that's not the case. I grew up struggling and have always been in a position of not being totally secure financially. I have always done whatever I can to ensure that's not how I spend the entirety of my time on earth. So much so that it often interfered with me pursuing dreams/what I wanted to do with my time here. Thus brings us to everyone around me doing boudoir/lewd content thriving and it IS fueling their dreams so I thought of it as a no-brainer. I had always wanted to be a VS model anyway so it was essentially the same, which it can be, but I have caught myself, through only the fault of my own, multiple times going past my comfort zone and feeling shame all for the pursuit of "this will make my goals a reality faster." 

I haven't even completed a big(if any) cosplay project since I started Patreon. I haven't started Youtube. I haven't contributed much of anything to the people who 'follow' me imo. Which was the whole point of making Patreon. I've lost money and invested my time poorly. I refuse to reach out to conventions for guesting opportunities because I feel unworthy.

I am ashamed of the creator I've become. It may be incredibly stupid and unreachable but I want to be so much more than just "sexy" content. (again and I can not stress this enough- there is nothing wrong with creating primarily sexy content. I LOVE so many who do so and support them every chance I get. My shame is not from the "sexy" stuff its from not staying true to who I am and I just want different things for my content in the grand scheme of things.)

Now if you've gotten this far I do want to clarify, it hasn't been all or constantly bad for me here. I have met so many lovely people and have had a lot of fun that absolutely make this endeavor worth the time and missteps- ten fold. I adore you all and the fact that you have supported me for any reason blows my mind; I could not appreciate you more.


I'm not saying I want to stop boudoir entirely either, because there is/always has been an aspect to it that I've liked and believe is great in its own way. I just have to also make what I started this platform for a priority. I need to be proud of the content here and on all my other social media platforms. I want to really try to become the kind of creator I've always wanted to be.


I will be cutting down to ONE -GUARANTEED- boudoir set a month to focus more on full cosplay and adding THAT content here. Tiers will be ~slightly~ reworked seeing as I am going from 2 boudoir sets to 1 but nothing too crazy. Open to suggestions on things I can add to tiers to make them more fun going in this new direction! Keep an eye out for your tiers updates, will be updated before the 1st of April.  I may eventually do 2 sets again but not until I feel my head is back in the right place for it and I'm happy with how much of OTHER content I am also creating. As far as how boudoir shoots will change: the style probably wont really, there have been some shoots I've been less comfortable in than others I am just sticking to what I am comfortable with moving forward. For example, past two months sets have been very much in my comfort zone. In a way I'm not taking away from Patreon I just want to shift the focus, if that makes sense? Hopefully you can also see this as adding to the foundation/community we've built so far. I want to connect with everyone more and give more focus to the community entirely. Increase the activity on Discord so it can become even more of a place where we can all chat, I know I talk to a lot of you there already but I want you all to feel comfortable to interact with me and others in the community in a fun, creative and supportive environment!

Please let me know all of your thoughts on all of this! I am expecting a lot, if not most, of you to possibly leave with the rewards changing slightly but I do hope you give next month a try at whatever tier you're comfortable with- if you can. Or if you can at least spare me your thoughts (privately or commented) would be very appreciated. It's absolutely no hard feelings to those who leave, I completely understand why if you wanted to support the specific content I was creating up to this point solely. I thank you so much for the time you've invested in me thus far. 

It is my goal to make Patreon as fulfilling as I sought out for it to be and I hope it can also become something you enjoy even more for those who stay. I hope the changes that will be implemented bring a happiness that shines through all future content. 

Okay... I've officially been sitting here for hours and I think at this point its just brain word vomit coming out that may not make a lot of sense 😅 if you need clarity on anything or have any questions at all please feel free to ask me I will be diligent in responding to everyone before April 1st (reminder this is when pledges renew if you want to stick around for the changes or if you don't!)

--- last bit of March content will be posted tonight by the way. Stepping away from the PC for a bit after this post because brain is now mush but I will be available on mobile to respond to everyone! 



It is important to do what we like! I will continue to support you because I like what you do :) I hope you are safe and healthy!


This is one hell of a hard decision to make and I'm proud that you've managed to make it, especially at a time like this. Given what you put up with, it feels like it's the best thing to do for you imo. I'll be here to support you regardless, you ain't getting rid of me that easy ;)