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Here's a little overview of this months sets and at what tiers you can find access to what you may be interested in! 

I always recommend people check out Shiny tier ($10) to get a little preview of all the sets in their  'miniset' versions and then upgrade depending on what you what the full hi res version of!!

Next month is back to TWO sets a month unfortunately until Patreon brings in enough to fund a monthly third set so signing up this month is certainly a good idea if you prefer a lot of variety!

Thank you all again for supporting my first month back on Patreon- here's hoping I get to stick around for good this time. 

**Rant ahead**

The road to full time creator is winding and perhaps boudoir will end up not being the path I continue to go down to achieve what I dream of with this community or otherwise. As I've said before, while I do enjoy the content I create here, if it ultimately ends up stunting my ability to grow, contribute and be all I want to be as an 'influencer' - I will have to remove it from being something I do. I am not certain if I would continue Patreon at that point but perhaps there is a way to make it successful without boudoir. 

Putting the cart before the horse here :P 

No reason to fret now I am still giving boudoir+Patreon more time before calling it! You all will be the first to know if I plan to steer my content in a different direction with plenty of heads up. I do hope if that's the path I'm meant to go down I will still have all of your support (obviously even if it's not financially)

So sorry for the mini rant 😅 I just like to be reasonably transparent with you all of where I'm at since you have done so much for me. 




Might be more in the minority here, but I personally view the boudoir stuff as just a nice bonus. I'll support you regardless as long as you're willing to put up with my dumb ass.


You already know I'll be here to support you in any decision you make. Keep living your dreams, Jaz