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Just wanted to say thank you to all you lovely beans, maybe I say it too often which makes it mean less to y’all but I am so grateful I can even attempt to be a content creator.

I get down sometimes about my lack of success but at the same time, because of all of you, I’ve come a lot further than most people and based off this past year I do have the potential to grow even more ❣️

I hope I can exceed your and my own expectations. I hope I can make you all proud and we all look back on this place I’m in one day and laugh because of how crazy it is that things changed so much, for the better.

Much love to y’all and I hope your weekend is blissful 🧡

**i will hopefully be shooting this months ~legit~ patreon exclusive content early early next week so stay tuned**






You are already the greatest in my opinion. Keep on keeping on and the rest of the world will see how incredible you are. We are just more perceptive than them but they will see. 😍