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OKAY SO, as somewhat touched on and discussed in the Patron only chat on discord(thank you all for that btw); I need to make some changes here because I've been over extending myself and putting myself in a not so great financial situation monthly. 

Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely adored creating as much content as possible for you all. It's been a blast. And these changes do not necessarily mean I am going go give less! Just adjusting how I go about Patreon content so that it better benefits everyone.

What's changing, 

-Until content creation becomes my full time job I will only be doing two themes every month

-I will be changing physical rewards to being sent out every two months instead of monthly. 

-I am changing the name of the "selfie" sets to mini sets because I think selfie sets implies all photos are taken in selfie style and, as you all who were here last month are aware, that's not the case;I try to add a fair amount of variety and visibility to those sets as well!

What's new,

-Last month I had a total of 115 images available across my Patreon. Going forward, despite going down to two themes, I want to continue bringing at least 100 images to you all EVERY MONTH.  

-I would also like to offer more video clips for lower tiers. Keeping full videos at Mythical but just some extra content for other tiers sounds like a great way to get/keep everyone hyped for that months content!

-Starting in November (my 1 year anniversary on Patreon) I am going to start bringing back one past set every month-available to Legendary tier!! 

That's pretty much all that's changing. I say pretty much because I may try to throw in some other things here and there through out the month for the heck of it so long as it doesn't make me more broke. ;v; 

I wanted to be sure to clarify what's happening though so no one freaked, hopefully this has you all more hyped than anything else! I see this as me taking a step forward in the content I put out. Not backwards ♡ 

I appreciate you all for sticking around as I try to figure out the best system for me here! And if you have any suggestions/concerns/questions please do not hesitate to reach out or comment!!
Best place to contact me is Discord or Snapchat ♡ 



If it's for the best then do it!! You still have 100% of my support no matter what changes.🙌🙏❤🧡💚💛💜


Sounds good. Overextending yourself is not good for your health. You do what you need to do to stay healthy. You will always have my support no matter what changes you decide are necessary. 😍