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Nobody has seen this show, adorkable's sister has, and Adorkable has seen clips.

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Obviously, I already recorded Toradora and knew what i was doing, seeing the interest in Horimiya, we will begin that as well.


Thank you 😊 🙏🏼 💓


Yes, my favorite ROM com

Randy Cooper

Think good. You brain big!


i wrote a long response earlier but it's not a prank... there's just not a clear way to get everyone to know what i'm trying to figure out because i do things different than other Reaction Channels lol

Kevin Baker

Way to raise the stakes fr. Hype!

R'ja Norr

Fun Fact: The male lead is named Ryuji (Ryu = dragon) and the female lead is Taiga (or tiger with a Japanese accent). In mythology the tiger and dragon have been used to symbolize Yin & Yang (respectively).

Gavin Daniels

I think this is the first true romcom I’ve ever watch and haven’t watched it in a while so I’m excited to rewatch it with y’all!

kun st

Here for kdramas but i Loveeeee this anime! One of my faves


Director laughing so much from the bird on ep 1 tells me he might pass out on future episodes 😂


op slaps

Randy Cooper

The reaction to the bird didn't disappoint. That poor bird needs to be put down soooo bad. 😂


Birb will be the end of Director in future episodes.


Brace yourselve. The queen of tsudere is here lol

Nathan Yimer

When is ep8 of Percy Jackson coming?


LOL, mastermind Lee strikes again. Got me at the edge of my seat the whole poll


31:06 "their toes not fresh" must be the most cursed thing I heard today

Yaboy Squiby

Lowkey forgot y’all never reacted to this, Roshi did a while back. Still a good rom com that has aged gracefully. I think you’ll enjoy it

Xemaris Uchiha

FINALLY!! ive been waiting for toradora XD its one of my favorite romcoms ever. I hope yall like it.


LOLOL fr but its lee so its not all that cursed


lol that's why I said "today", tomorrow Lee is gonna say something wild again

Coping McCoperson

Lets go! 24 episodes of violent rat loli goodness. Hehe isnt she so quirky?


Yay! Toradora is one of the first anime romcoms I ever watched and gonna enjoy yalls reactions


This first episode has left me like “🤔”


Toradora is one of the greatest romcom's in anime history, easily Top 5


You reacted to Love, Chuunibyou, and Other Delusions, but I can't find it in the tags? Edit: Oh, found it in Collections.


Don't worry she grows character wise. I agree with the guy above me one of the best rom cons ever animes.


This was the first romance anime that I ever watched, and it's still one of my favorites. I'm very happy to see y'all watching it!


Hell ya! one of the classics

Hiiro Pendragon

OMG, this anime is Good. Its great to see u all watching the old good one's

Lock G.G.

TORADORA means TIGER AND DRAGON. Main character's names are Ryuji as Dragon and Taiga as Tiger.


The bird is a national treasure. God bless I love Toradora.


Lets fucking go! love toradora, one of my all time favorites