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Lee you're overthinking this... SLF is just an anime about this bird man's pedicured feet. The true meta is Sunraku married bunny Emul IRL (the VAs). Now enjoy watching at them as husband and wife for the rest of the 2nd cour


Director is right about the flowers. Red spider Lilly’s are linked to sad memories or death of a loved one. Most of the time when you see them in anime, people tend to die

Sharles Davis Kendy

I'm mad I understood every part of Director Nasty's Destiny rant.

Sharles Davis Kendy

I'm gonna miss Adorkable jamming to the OP when they change it.

Sharles Davis Kendy

Fuck people complaining about overthinking. The show definitely wants us theorizing stuff. Here's MY Overthinking: Emul was referred to the child of Cinderella. Also the white rabbit and vorpal come from Alice in Wonderland. There's definitely some fairy tale shit going on here right? So like after they take down the 7 Colossi will there be some sort of Snow White final boss?


Yeah, Director's Destiny references throughout this anime have been so relatable, lol.


Ooh, I like where your head's at. I had completely forgotten about the Child of Cinderella line until this reaction because the characters had completely glossed over it, but it has to be important.


Really enjoyed the theorizing discussion this episode. Had me thinking too. Definitely on board with their idea that Setsuna is a dev of some sort. The lab coat, the "program" mention. Also, I had the same thought as RockLee when I saw saw that Sunraku actually had a full family at home. Feels so rare for anime protagonists to not have some tragic family situation or they're never home or something.


Oh, I like that. But why Snow White? I'd say someone like Maleficent

Roronoa Zoro

Even if the SLF story is one that pretty simple. You can still theorize about the game he’s playing. Afterall it actually has a story and lore. No one has made any progress in the main story of the SLF game


Yea me overthinking a show is a sign of investment for me. Believe if me, if im not overthinking it. I am not emotionally invested. You can see in the first few episodes i had little to say. Lol. I know how to just watch and not say anything lol.

Sharles Davis Kendy

I was thinking she's the boss of the 7 Dwarves. But it could be anything really. But having the Alice-related bunny be the child of Cinderella is just very sus.

Ernest Mitchell

@ 2:00 Bro I really hope Director finally got the Vexmythoclas at some point. lmao It was goated in Destiny 1.

Ernest Mitchell

@3:50 Lee: Dang, she really Jammin' Jammin'

Ernest Mitchell

@19:20 I was thinking the same thing since I watched the show. How is this man so fit when he games more than he spends in the real world. My answer was because he is young and has a high metabolism, but when he gets older and that shit slows down; he gone be hurt. Better get to working-out.


"Death flowers" are red spider lily. They are poisonous and they do indeed represent death in japan.


Japanese names have meanings. Setsuna means a moment in time and Towa means eternity. Picture thing is talking about paparazzi pictures invading her privacy and all that. Nothing significant.