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What you missed is that she gave them training aids. When she was teaching them. That's what those boxes had in them. What you should ask yourself what types of toys did she give them to use on the Emperor.

R'ja Norr

Remember, last episode at the very end we saw a hooded figure give the pipe to the warehouseman (highly sus).


25:17 - High ranking courtesans are mostly paid for their company, no sex, so there might be ones that are expensive but still pure. I read that somewhere, I don't know how true it is tho

paladar blade

Well courtesan in that time period and culture are not just bought for sex, as shown in ep 12 when all 3 of the most expensive girls were bought they went to the venue with Maomao to sing, dance, and keep company (By that i mainly mean to sit down with and share drinks). Just think of the courtesan to be either an escort/host/whore or a combination of the 3 depending on their skill set, beauty, and where they operate cause some are high class while some are just for the streets (both figuratively and literally).


Might be the pleasure house plan of that time as if they get interested by a rich noble he would need to buy the girl out from that house and in pure business scheme might be good way to make money too while you have other girls do more of the physical jobs.


I read somewhere that high class pleasure house had business of selling the girls as wives as in a sense they were more educated than if you just found random girl. Basically your class in life (peasant, worker, merchant, noble, etc) would have dictated a lot on at what level your wife might be. Well in a sense that one officer managed to buy his childhood love out of the harem of the emperor and a lot of dramas always depict nobles or rich chinese would have spend a lot of time in pleasure house places as their entertainment so getting a wife from those places would have happened a lot.


There's a song, "I Am a Bomb Technician (If You See Me Running Try to Keep Up)" by Emet.


Joka for sure is pure, given she fucking HATES men. She's basically one of the 3 due to her raw intellect, she essentially works as a tutor who is said to be good enough that anyone getting tutored by her is guaranteed to pass the Imperial Examinations (these are for officials of any kind, basically standardized testing back in ancient China ages, there's a separate variant for medical personnel as well), I presume she must have a decently high success % of previous clients who did pass said Imperial Examination to become government officials for such a rumor to spawn to begin with


In fact in ancient Greece that was misogynist af where wahmen had to stay in the house & never leave w/o accompanied by male relative, the SSS-tier prostitutes Hetairai were so valued for their skills in music, dancing, intellectual dialogue etc that they actually had MORE rights than even 99% of free women did, excepting maybe top hierarchy noble tier women. Hell when traditionally held Symposiums had a total wahmen ban, Hetairai were the only exception to said ban (on the technicality that the ban was technically worded as "wives and daughters of Athenian citizens are banned from Symposium", and since most Hetairai were generally non-Athenian born from other City-States etc, they were generally highly educated & technically didn't breach said ban, so they were allowed to enter Symposium by pure technicality as well as having the necessary skills of intellect to begin with)