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Worse than getting a powerful weapon in a game you can't use is giving that weapon to another party member and than as part of the plot they get taken from you and you just lose that weapon sorry not sorry from the devs.🤯 That happened to me in Luna:Silver Star Story and I flipped out and rage quit for two weeks! 🤬 Emul reaction to bring told the blond was a boy was so spot on for an NPC. Like Sunraku blew her mind with that info. I'd love it if going forward it made her question others that she ran into just a bit as a side gag. 😂


Adorkable, if you are getting in the mood to play an MMO, I recommend you check out Final Fantasy 14! Plenty of people there who will reach out and play with you! They love new players! Plus, a new wave of players are starting up in Feb! (adding xbox S/X support to the current PC and PS4/5s )


FF14 is trash-tier. Guild Wars 2 is that hidden God-tier that will change how you think about MMOs.


14:30 Lee with the masterful evasion technique

Crowne Pri

funniest intro i've seen so far lol that was delightful

Ernest Mitchell

@4:30 If Queen Adorkable is looking for a good questing experience with plenty of players...I will always champion trying out Final Fantasy 14 online. It has a free trial that gives you the first 2 expansions for Free each with over 50 hrs of gameplay, and thats not even including the amount of content in the base game. Including free unlimited play-time, there's a reason its been winning Best MMORPG for the past 10+ years. That's the Real SLF of our world.


Huh, I just came back to this ep reaction and I see a fellow FF14 player! :)