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The Law_v1001

I feel the struggles with that song. I love that scene but can't sit through it for the life of me.

Crowne Pri

I just thought about it....the ruins look like something out of Sonic Frontiers LOL

Brian Carotenuto

I thought I really knew you guys. I thought you're gonna love that song and love. The fact that his 2 kids were so excited that he was wielding the hammer. I listened to the song at least 15 times already. I was waiting for it to come out in English. Dubbed, but apparently the English VA can't sing because when that scene came up, it was in Japanese with subtitles


Sunraku's got that maxed out Charisma when it comes to NPCs! He pulled that monologue out of nowhere!


It's interesting to hear Thorkell/Dimple/Blackbeard singing :D Not something you'd expect!


You gotta remember that i turn up the volume during intros to hear it and my subwoofers come on. When songs appear during the reaction we turn down the music significantly for YouTube. So we barely can hesr and submerge. You can’t tell cuz volume is manually added. But if you listen to any apothecary intro. You can rell my tv volume is loud and i turn it off when reaction starts.


Aniki is such a cool npc, cant wait to see more of him.

Brian Carotenuto

That makes perfect sense. I did not realize that you turned it down for YouTube. But now that I think about it with the copyright and everything. I totally understand and yes, I am the sword guy. I'm happy that you remember 😁

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Singing is also another form to match the rhythm of hammering steel if you just follow the flow you'll never get tired quickly (Ngl took forge in high school... thought just hammering it was fine but gah damn the next day my ass was sore like a mf 😂) but for fantasy it could also be a thing to bless the weapon

selina kyle

Man phantasy star online was the shit when I was a kid

selina kyle

I really loved that song


These three are gonna be such trouble for the devs I can feel it. We still haven't seen what they can do yet! 😎


Lee.... Fantasy star online came out in 2000 the year I was born lmao. That's how we know you are getting up close to 40 years bro.


The song was way too long lol


Sanraku’s Va and Emul’s VA recently got married I always wondered why they had such good chemistry XD it’s kinda funny with that in mind when he mimics her way of talking.

Ernest Mitchell

I will always champion trying out Final Fantasy 14 online. It has a free trial that gives you the first 2 expansions for Free each with over 50 hrs of gameplay, and thats not even including the amount of content in the base game. Including free unlimited play-time, there's a reason its been winning Best MMORPG for the past 10+ years. That's the Real SLF of our world.

Ernest Mitchell

You are halfway to experiencing greatness! Just make sure you created a free-trial account.