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Crash Landing On You Ep 5 uncut

Watch "Crash Landing On You Ep 5 uncut" on Streamable.


J Man

This show's soundtrack is so good and hits at the right moments

raeven b.

Even though it's fiction, I'd like to think that a lot of what they got of North Korean culture is real, because watching this really softens how I feel about the citizens of north korea. It's a lot more wholesome than I'd expect. It's so fascinating because we know so little about this isolated country, and since their government is so horrible, I assumed their people would be the same. It's a very ignorant view I had. I remember watching an interview of a north korean defector reflecting on his life back in his home country and I could only think that he'd want nothing to do with it. But at the end of the day, it was his home, and he still had very fond memories of the people in the village he lived in. That was such a good interview.

Austin Cochran

I love how funny this show is


I love this drama so much. I am so happy you all are enjoying it as well. ☺️

J Man

I notice that Hyun Bin is very stoic here compared to other KDramas. If you want a contrast drama-wise, there's Memories of Alhambra where he's an arrogant video game developer who gets tied up in magic video game stuff. For an even more trippy contrast there's the Korean movie "The Negotiation" which stars both Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin from Crash Landing, but instead of falling in love, Son Ye Jin is trying to you talk no jutsu to prevent the crazy killer Hyun Bin from killing folks

J Man

One of the directors of the show is a Korean defector, and they also brought in other north korean defectors to help with the show's quality control, therefore a lot of the stuff is pretty accurate (but they do have to "blur" out some offensive things, like the worship of Kim Jong Un and whatnot). But you're right, in some of these governments are horrible, the people are living wholesome lives and are just pawns of their horrible gov's. Moving is another KDrama that does that with North Korea (though they make the American CIA also look bad LOL).


says stream unavailable


You often bring up what the weather is like there and from what I know based on my friends in Korea and the family that has been there, they all tell me their summers are hot hot hot and their winters are cold cold cold! I saw a behind the scenes cut of Suzy from Dream High and it was winter and her nose and lips were like 4 shades pinker than her face and she had a ridiculous string of snot dribbling down her face cause it was so cold 🥶 that's when I learned it gets absolutely freezing there. and she was shivering like a chihuahua! T^T so imagine an actor has to film an underwater scene in the middle of winter in korea 👀