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Thought Lee would appreciate this video about Frieren demons. https://youtu.be/4D-mzylq7-E?si=q33bcHT_lM3uaZnq

Nancchi (edited)

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2023-12-23 23:41:58 I’m thinking that the reason why Frieren stopped herself from telling him that the demon king was dead was so that he’d continue to protect the village and keep his promise, even though that promise no longer needed to be fulfilled. Maybe he’d stop having a purpose in that village after Frieren told him that.
2023-12-23 23:41:31 I’m thinking that the reason why Frieren stopped herself from telling him that the demon king was dead was so that he’d continue to protect the village and keep his promise, even though that promise no longer needed to be fulfilled. Maybe he’d stop having a purpose in that village after Frieren told him that and he’d finally be able to go in peace.

I’m thinking that the reason why Frieren stopped herself from telling him that the demon king was dead was so that he’d continue to protect the village and keep his promise, even though that promise no longer needed to be fulfilled. Maybe he’d stop having a purpose in that village after Frieren told him that and he’d finally be able to go in peace.


Yo that old man dwarf probably pushing 600. 80 years ago Frieren said he been protecting the village for 400 years. And then even in the flashback thinking about his wife he already looked old.


Also it nice how it was easy to know any "legendary forgotten hero" would be Kraft. It would seem to me he became a priest after his partner died.

Daniel arisa

Well Flamme was never forgotten but if you remember when the Hero’s party were talking about her, they basically concluded she was a fairytale and Frieren said she is probably the only one that remembered her face, it’s also funny that she is not being forgotten even after she lived her life in obscurity and even told Frieren to do the same and yet, everyone remembers her while Kraft who is still alive and kicking is forgotten. The world building in Frieren Beyond Journeys End is a masterpiece


I don't think you guys have seen or been around enough fantasy and other similar stuff if this is the first time you thought it was cool to be a priest out of other classes. Priests are just as cool as the others. You go on dark souls and rock being a main on faith you can beat some ass. EDIT: I somehow posted this on the post below this so I had to delete that comment and repost it here lol


Watch out for spoilers btw. I already read the manga so I know what is coming up. Apparently they are taking a break and coming back at the beginning of the new year with the series. Someone will definitely spoil you with some of the stuff that is coming up in the series. Just a warning. Quite a few things are gonna be happening with the series after this episode.


Patreons weird alright, also I agree with you. Pillars of Eternity priests are so powerful its insane too.

BarGamer (edited)

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2023-12-24 04:14:09 35:18 I'm gonna double down on my theory from ep 12: Kraft beat the Demon King of his generation, even though he also "failed" to pull out the Hero's Sword. The Hero's Sword was never meant to be pulled out. Flamme crafted it to weed out those people who relied on external validation. Himmel beat the Demon King of his generation, too. Demon King is just the title of whoever's the strongest demon who can claim the Demon King's castle. Hero is just the title of who beats the Demon King. Both titles are passed down through the generations. Furthermore, Demons are super vain, who rely on external validation of their auras. Internal validation will always beat external validation. Therefore, the Hero will always beat the Demon King.
2023-12-24 04:12:57 35:18 I'm gonna double down on my theory from ep 12: Kraft beat the Demon King of his generation, even though he also "failed" to pull out the Hero's Sword. The Hero's Sword was never meant to be pulled out. Flamme crafted it to weed out those people who relied on external validation. Himmel beat the Demon King of his generation, too. Demon King is just the title of whoever's the strongest demon who can claim the Demon King's castle. Hero is just the title of who beats the Demon King. Both titles are passed down through the generations. Furthermore, Demons are super vain, who rely on external validation of their auras. Internal validation will always beat external validation. Therefore, the Hero will always beat the Demon King. PS from a different series: External validation is what makes Bitch/Slut/Malty's manipulation so effective against the other Cardinal Heroes. Naofumi has internal validation, which is part of why Malty never got to him.

35:18 I'm gonna double down on my theory from ep 12: Kraft beat the Demon King of his generation, even though he also "failed" to pull out the Hero's Sword. The Hero's Sword was never meant to be pulled out. Flamme crafted it to weed out those people who relied on external validation. Himmel beat the Demon King of his generation, too. Demon King is just the title of whoever's the strongest demon who can claim the Demon King's castle. Hero is just the title of who beats the Demon King. Both titles are passed down through the generations. Furthermore, Demons are super vain, who rely on external validation of their auras. Internal validation will always beat external validation. Therefore, the Hero will always beat the Demon King. PS from a different series: External validation is what makes Bitch/Slut/Malty's manipulation so effective against the other Cardinal Heroes. Naofumi has internal validation, which is part of why Malty never got to him.


Flamme is a baby compared to Kraft. You are surely right about the sword though.


Well the difference is Flamme is the one who brought magic to the human masses. That's why everyone remembers her.