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sweet home season 2 episode 7 uncut

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idk how you guys took it as a crush when she said you are killing all my friends (monsters) for her she was upset hes getting rid of her friends because she hates humans and humans hate monsters.

Hades 88 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 00:03:34 I understand that we are talking about a child but that little girl is an annoying character for me, she is strong and against humans, I don't see her well in future. And I love Hyun Su but he is just way too naive, moster or human, he is just all about life, I can already see him being ready to give his life for that little girl. Also, the army thing it's too much for me, it's very different from season 1, it was more about monsters, not it's a lot about humans too and to be honest, I don't care. I'm hoping that it's just a build up for more, if my guy Hyun Su doesn't get more screen time, I would be salty about the whole show.
2023-12-20 18:07:08 I understand that we are talking about a child but that little girl is an annoying character for me, she is strong and against humans, I don't see her well in future. And I love Hyun Su but he is just way too naive, monster or human, he is just all about life, I can already see him being ready to give his life for that little girl. Also, the army thing it's too much for me, it's very different from season 1, it was more about monsters, now it's a lot about humans too and to be honest, I don't care. I'm hoping that it's just a build up for more, if my guy Hyun Su doesn't get more screen time, I would be salty about the whole show.

I understand that we are talking about a child but that little girl is an annoying character for me, she is strong and against humans, I don't see her well in future. And I love Hyun Su but he is just way too naive, monster or human, he is just all about life, I can already see him being ready to give his life for that little girl. Also, the army thing it's too much for me, it's very different from season 1, it was more about monsters, now it's a lot about humans too and to be honest, I don't care. I'm hoping that it's just a build up for more, if my guy Hyun Su doesn't get more screen time, I would be salty about the whole show.


Adorkable is suggesting psychopath and sociopath arent humans since they dont feel empathy


The post discussion about humanity vs monsterization, nature vs nurture etc...loved it. The child, I'm conflicted by, but I'm not gonna go into it on an old post cos I'd be writing a full thesis for no one to read hahaha.