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mitch anderson

I'm finna buss when that JJK drops

paladar blade

I still believe that they switched the babies after the Previous emperor's son died cause in the flash back of when the baby was being fed his hair was purple like Ah Dou's, but when it showed them "switching" the babies one had brown hair and the other purple. So the switch could have happened after the Emperor's son died and the reason Ah Dou was sad and crying everynight was because she had to give up her son. As to why they took the baby afterwards I still haven't worked out a good enough reason in my mind.

Black Hawk

It's crazy to watch the intro and see their theories. Then watching the show they Theory seem to be confirmed but it's just a theory LOL

Bryce Jackson

It's not that the Fengming family is connected to Moamoa's father. its they are connected to her kidnappers who played it off as them selling a unwanted daughter.

Alan Uribe

Also from what was said, it looks like the decision to swap was made when consort Ah duo just finished delivering so she wasn't in a position to make a clear headed decision but she agreed anyway. As told by the "theory" anyway.

John Ng

I guess Maomao always gives Lee a lot of Mental Gymnastics every episode 🤓 She’s saying, “You need to exercise your brain too, Lee!”


We don't know who was involved in the baby swap other than Ah Duo. Presumably, the (then) emperor and empress did not know about it. Hence the bit about Maomao's dad being blamed for not noticing the swap. The Chinese line of succession is not based on age like the European system. The emperor chooses one of his son's to be the crown prince. The eldest son of the empress is usually the one favored to be the crown prince but it's not a given.

R'ja Norr

29:08 Ok, this is how I saw it (and I say this with all love for you all): A-do realized that her and her baby were no where near as important as the Empress and her baby. While her head was still foggy A-do arranged the baby swap to make sure her baby had a better life. The royal family didn't know about it at all until after the other baby died. That is why Maomao's Pa lost a knee cap instead of just being expelled, cause he didn't notice it until then. That is what I put together from what Maomao said so it is pure speculation, but makes sense.


22:40 Jinshi crying makes me think he knows that Ah Duo is his mother.

Daniel Turner

lee was on his senku time today


The Empress-Dowager doesn't know about the swap, maybe?


The Reasoning for the Swap starts at around the 24:00 mark. You see that Maomaos Father was forced away to help at the Empress Dowagers son Birth ,its shows the Priorities. Her Son as long as the Old Emporer hasnt died would always be less important.So he would have a saver life ,thats why they switched the Babys.

Ryan H

Just realized that's Gyokuyo's va is Frieren/Anya


Oh, snap, it's the first time i've seen Maomao's name in writing in the show. Her name "Mao" literally just means "cat", which is why she's so often depicted with cat ears probably. So Maomao means "Catcat", which also means when Gaoshun calls her "xiaomao" (xiao meaning "little" in Chinese, the equivalent of calling her Mao-chan if it were Japanese), so he's literally just calling her "Kitten". (Xiaomao is kitten in Chinese, which differs from Japanese, which uses Koneko "child cat").


Some notes regarding the line of succession and which baby was "more important". You can take it two different ways, but the simple answer is that Old Emperor had two sons, including Current Emperor and a "younger brother". Current Emperor, as the eldest, would've been the heir to the throne. If Current Emperor died without sons, his brother would've then taken the throne. However, Current Emperor's sons have priority over his own brother. (Which is why so many uncles have been involved in succession struggles and wars throughout history). Here's where it gets tricky and could be interpreted in two different ways: why did the swap take place? If it was to protect the Old Emperor's younger son (Current Emperor's little brother), then it makes some sense that you'd swap him with someone else so that assassins would target the wrong child. However, swapping it with your heir's heir doesn't make much sense unless A) you don't like your heir or B) you think "my heir is young and can have plenty more children". The other alternative is that the swap was to protect the heir's heir instead of the heir's brother. This makes less sense to me, because it puts the heir's heir in more danger of being assassinated, being an Emperor's son rather than a Prince's son. Now, even more troubling, is that there are only going to be so many people who know that Jinshi is the current Emperor's son. The majority of important people are going to think that he's the current Emperor's brother (those few who know at all), which means if the Current Emperor has another son, that son will be assumed to be the heir. If the Current Emperor has another son and then dies, it could cause a serious succession crisis if Jinshi then tries to claim the throne. As I mentioned, many uncles try this, and even though Jinshi is the legitimate heir, if Current Emperor doesn't tell anyone before dying, everyone will think Jinshi is bullshitting just to try to steal the throne. So this can cause a serious struggle, often results in major civil wars. I guess, just thank goodness China didn't use Gavelkind! That would've been even worse.


@BarGamer Or she knows & just didn't give a fuck about her kid. Remember that the former emperor was a pedo after all, ergo rapist by default


Yeah usually Big E chooses based on which one is most talented (potentially more probable to choose from the offspring w/ talents in similar areas as the Big E, due to bias when it comes to shit like specializations & interests etc, but that much is given for organics after all)


I would also like to mention that in some cultures they would have absolutely killed a baby of it disrupted the line of succession. I watched the story of Queen Seondeok and when she was born she was a twin and back then twins we're a death omen, so in order to protect the king's dignity they orchestrated to send one twin outside of the palace to protect if from being murdered.


They also mentioned that Empress Ah Duo's women were willing to die to keep her secret, meaning the baby swap secret because I believe it was to protect her place in the palace. Meaning if Ah Duo was found out to have accidentally murdered the Previous Emperor's True Heir she would have been executed and probably Jinshi as well because it would have been considered to be treason. So I think the reason she was drinking and crying was because she felt guilty in letting her servants take the fall for her selfish act in saving her son. I hope that makes sense!


Ok. So in conclusion you agree that this plan doesn’t make sense without more information Revealed haha. You seem to understand why i had these questions because you pointed out the flaws in the swap like i was doing haha. I dont think much people could understand the reasoning for my questioning. Lol. AdorkableNerd was saying “it doesn’t Matter” i dont even know why it wouldn’t matter? Lol. But yeah. Complex


Wait Ah do SECRETLY had the baby swap and the other party doesn’t know. Thats how you interpret it. If that is the case it solves the very issue I kept having. The issue is. Why would the empress voluntarily want to swap her kid…her kid… ok ok ok.

R'ja Norr

The next question would be how did she pull it off? From the way Fengming talked and acted it would seem she did not know either. This show has mysteries layered on mysteries.

George McCall

This series causes so many mental gymnastics, and I love it. :D

Zane Sardonyx

Just so u know what happens to Ah Duo with her being sent to a disconnected part of the palace is not only a good thing but also extremely rare for a concubine like her who lose their status. The reason the emperor made that decision is because of their relationship before she became a concubine was similar to that of childhood friends and as MaoMao finds out she was his only concubine when he was a prince heavily implying that he truly loved her. Unfortunatly he is an emperor who has to have lots of children so he can't justify having a 35 year old concubine who can't have kids so has to replace her. The best he can do is send her to a different part of the palace where she will be taken care of but they will probably never see each other again since politically there no reason for them to.

Vik Persson

I just noticed that they made a mistake. When they showed the flash back of Ah-Duo giving birth, one of her attendants said that the doctor was still with the Empress Dowager but at the time she would would have still been the Empress. It makes sense for Maomao to call her Empress Dowager while narrating, speaking from the present, but not for the attendant to call her that speaking from the past.

Vik Persson

She went for a quick chat with a fellow lady in waiting... wearing body armor!

Imani Brooks

Nah, the switch happened before. That's why they said she wasn't clear headed enough to think about the decision, she had just given birth. She was raising her FIL's son and that's who was accidentally killed. She was still devestated, because that was still family.

Oh, That's Wild

The Empress Dowager was still the Empress even then, she is the mother of the Emperor and the wife of the former Emperor