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J Man

Daniel Gonzalez

So I dont think it indicates the new girl is thicker it could just be Rikka is not as strong as Yuta not saying she's not either just further tests will need to run some has the data im sure


yeah, hope he does. only if he can without problems though.

Randy Cooper

Well it's replacing Revanent so if it keeps the same slot on the schedule it would be Friday or Monday. Of course Lee could change it up. 🤷‍♂️


I hope you watch the ova since a future episode, episode 8, does mention a certain event that happens between 2 characters. Called Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions Glimmering... Explosive Festival (Slapstick Noel)


death! i see dekos catch phrase got you addicted


10:42 yall noticed something i never noticed before and now later episodes makes So much more sense bruh SO MUCH MORE SENSE

Alan Uribe

I wasn't expecting Rikka to do the same feet scene from season 1 and fail to handle the weight. I'm dead lol.