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Edward Chireno

ty for the reaction!!, saw the entire episode 11 before you took it down but it was funny error.


I kind of feel bad cause I too felt the same excitement to see our favorite boy more involved but...well, the show will reveal


The spinning animations in the opening was actually mind blowingly impressive when this anime first aired for those who had an understanding of animation.


i remember there was a phase of anime OPs where they all did that lol it's like they all discovered the technique and just mass produced it 😂 even bleach had one with that revovling mechanic. the "change by miwa" op intro its like that i believe

Katie Ellison (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 00:05:31 Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it
2023-12-23 00:05:31 Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it
2023-12-23 00:05:31 Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it
2023-12-23 00:05:31 Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it
2023-12-23 00:05:31 Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it
2023-12-23 00:05:31 Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it
2023-12-23 00:05:31 Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it
2023-12-23 00:05:31 Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it
2023-12-23 00:05:31 Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it
2023-12-23 00:05:31 Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it
2023-12-23 00:05:31 Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it
2023-12-23 00:05:31 Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it
2023-12-23 00:05:31 Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it
2023-12-23 00:05:31 Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it
2023-12-13 23:12:15 Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it

Did you guys not react to Season 1 episode 13? (It's a Christmas OVA) It is important lore. Maybe I just didn't see it

Daniel Gonzalez

I forgot how seriously hard the animation in this show goes for no reason whatsoever it seems like at any moment it can go off also I love that part in the new OP where Rika and that other girl are trading blows