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Dr Stone S3 ep 20 uncut

Watch "Dr Stone S3 ep 20 uncut" on Streamable.



Okay okay, so hear me out. After seeing the multiple Medusas falling on that island, I thought of something. In Japan they just saw the bright green light. Nothing fell from the sky at all. I wonder if it was cause if things were falling radar would have picked it up and tried to destroy them. I mean tech was our tech at the time. Maybe they chose that island cause they didn't have that kind of resources to combat it. 🤔


I don’t think Amaryllis is into Chrome, I think she just likes the tea.


Oh also I loved Lee's reaction like we ain't going to the moon right? 😅 Nope we goin cause Senku already sent a rocket into space in middle school so he found totally do it even now. Full circle from his dad being in space and now he will be too! 🤗