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Frieren ep 14 uncut

Watch "Frieren ep 14 uncut" on Streamable.



Damn, Himmel can't smash without people losing respect for him :D jk, I feel like he stayed a Virgin for her.


You guys should definitely rewatch 18:53 - 19:05 of your Ep 1 Patreon Upload after this episode! That scene hits 3x Harder now. You can see the setup of the Headpats and the Ring


i'm with you lee, i hope himmel died a virgin, makes his loves stronger

Jared Williams

Himmel solidly cementing his position as HIMmel


FYI - CR translation was slightly off on the last line by Stark. He said Hidoi - which just translates to something like - "How mean", "How Cruel", "How harsh".

spam protection

why do fern and stark remind me of the mom and dad from bong-soon...just a little

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

Frieren: The Millenium Fumbler You were worried about stark fumbling nah. It's Frieren.


I legit cried like a baby when I saw the scene with himmel kneeling down to give her the ring. Himmel is indeed Him. My favorite character in the entire series.


Himmel is a hero so I think his values and love for frieren outweighed everything. You can't think about it as a normal person. Himmel is supposed to be the personification of a hero. He wouldn't be the hero type if he loved frieren but clapped cheeks with some other girls. At least that is how I think about it. I think the time he had adventuring and everything that we know and still don't know about his relationship with frieren was enough to solidify who he was and who he truly loved.

dani oz

Thinking back to episode 1 how Himmel waited 50 years hurts even more now


Himmel was Kenough 😭

Daniel Borrego

himmel can kill the demon lord, but cant ask frieren out on a date after 10 years. fail


Just a small fyi, Himmel was 26 when they finished the 10 years journey, so if he died soon after they went to see the meteor shower he was ~76.