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Shangra La fronteir ep 5 uncut

Watch "Shangra La fronteir ep 5 uncut" on Streamable.


Alan Uribe

Lvl 99!? Welp, time for that Vorpal Soul!


This game is so real when it comes to Player names lol. People love using Puns in their User names!

Jake Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 11:16:55 I was so surprised when you skipped this intro as I'm so used to Joe loving it with a passion. I honestly thought id never see the day someone skipped this intro.
2024-02-09 11:16:55 I was so surprised when you skipped this intro as I'm so used to Joe loving it with a passion. I honestly thought id never see the day someone skipped this intro.
2023-12-07 04:57:12 I was so surprised when you skipped this intro as I'm so used to Joe loving it with a passion. I honestly thought id never see the day someone skipped this intro.

I was so surprised when you skipped this intro as I'm so used to Joe loving it with a passion. I honestly thought id never see the day someone skipped this intro.


26:10 I heard it to. Hilarious. Lee, Director, and Adorkable's reaction🤣🤣🤣 .

Patrick Rukundo

Dat frog definitely said the N word! 😂


This whole mini arc gave me PTSD from WoW and assholes that had nothing better to do than PK noobs and purposefully hung around so if they respawned quick, they would kill them again. Like seriously fucking lame and a fucked up way to make people want to quit. 😠

Jake Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 11:16:55 I love the op though. I don’t agree with all his choices but it’s my no. 2 this season. And quite honestly the first like 10 times I headed it I still had butterflies in my stomach.
2024-02-09 11:16:55 I love the op though. I don’t agree with all his choices but it’s my no. 2 this season. And quite honestly the first like 10 times I headed it I still had butterflies in my stomach.
2023-12-07 08:28:36 I love the op though. I don’t agree with all his choices but it’s my no. 2 this season. And quite honestly the first like 10 times I headed it I still had butterflies in my stomach.

I love the op though. I don’t agree with all his choices but it’s my no. 2 this season. And quite honestly the first like 10 times I headed it I still had butterflies in my stomach.


I said it before but I will say it again. This is clearly show made by gamers for gamers. Even the fking nicknames are like "yeap, that's dumb, but that's totally a type of dumb shit people will use to name their character"


Time. AdorkableNerd had to go. Had no more than 30 minutes to record. Otherwise its a solid intro.


Damn, I can't wait for Director to see the true nature of Pencilgon

Jake Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 11:16:55 Sorry if it came across as a complaint, just an interesting observation.
2024-02-09 11:16:55 Sorry if it came across as a complaint, just an interesting observation.
2023-12-07 17:37:34 Sorry if it came across as a complaint, just an interesting observation.

Sorry if it came across as a complaint, just an interesting observation.


I’m not bothered by the comment 4 other people liked it which means other people were thinking it hopefully they read their response.


To be fair if it's not dumb/weird you are more likely to meet "This username has already been taken" message constantly.


why suddenly the player symbol is red lol?

Ryu Maroku

Remember the face on the magazine of that model in the first episode? That is the player of Arthur Pencilgon. She is a "college shawty" as Director likes to put it. You could see it in comparison with her avatar. She is in her 20's.

Ryu Maroku

Also women can like to create strong aggressive sexy female characters with risqué outfits. There are some manga/anime/light novels out there that are actually very popular written by women with those types of characters.


Actually in the 90s they used to charge by the hour for games online.




friggin furries always ruining shit

Sharles Davis Kendy

I do like that the girls who blew his spot didn't even know they were doing it! They were just new and thought that shit was normal and were just asking for help and turns out they fucked up his whole shit.

Ernest Mitchell

I will always champion trying out Final Fantasy 14 online. It has a free trial that gives you the first 2 expansions for Free each with over 50 hrs of gameplay, and thats not even including the amount of content in the base game. There's a reason its been winning Best MMORPG for the past 10+ years. That's the Real SLF of our world.


Pencilgon cracked me up too.