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This show is Not on a schedule as we record when we have extra time depending on how the day goes...but I did forget I didn't post ep 3

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Shangra La fronteir ep 4 uncut

Watch "Shangra La fronteir ep 4 uncut" on Streamable.


Daaylen Watson

Great content as usual, Now i'm over here biting my nails waiting for JJK


The reaction of Vash after Sunraku called him Aniki was like a 30's mob boss telling you, "I like you kid, you got moxie. "😂 Oh and Adorkable's face during the mini when he was dreaming was priceless! 🤣


It would seem that the rabbit girl is the same voice actor as Filo from Shield Hero. And the purple haired woman with the spear is Rias from DxD and Iris from Eminence.


It flashed only for a split second, so impossible to read wihout pause (so obviously I paused), it halfs the XP gain, BUT every lvl up gives 2,5x more stats. In other words (if there is a lvl cap) it's INSANELY OVERPOWERED...and if there is no cap, it's still net possitive in stats/hour ratio...but yea, in pure lvls the grind with halfed XP will be ridicoulous. We all played enough RPGs to know it


Neeever mind, asshole said it second later, fuck me xD


Btw, while Aniki does mean brother or big brother in Japanese, it is also common in the yakuza for the subordinates to call their boss Aniki, I guess it was his joke cause the bunny looks like a yakuza boss


Didn’t think I would enjoy this show as much as I am


Haven't seen baki so don't know or care about yujiro. That's thorkell/all for one to me.

Ernest Mitchell

I will always champion trying out Final Fantasy 14 online. It has a free trial that gives you the first 2 expansions for Free each with over 50 hrs of gameplay, and thats not even including the amount of content in the base game. There's a reason its been winning Best MMORPG for the past 10+ years. Thats the Real SLF of our world.


Emul is too cute I want one as well