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100 girlfriends ep 8 uncut

Watch "100 girlfriends ep 8 uncut" on Streamable.


rune kongstad larsen

this ep of zom 100 kinda horny? i dont mind weridly


I did not know they were really gonna translate that "I'm so wet rn" line. Lmaooo. Without spoilers I know you guys will enjoy the next girlfriend.

Alan Uribe

"Ain't no way" the anime lolol. The production is top tier!


I swear the VP reminds me of the old lady in Jungle wa Itsumo Hare nochi Guu. I wonder if she was an inspiration or if there's more there. Jungle anime is too old for it to be the same author.


Just wanna make sure Lee real quick. You standing on business and sticking with Nano?

R'ja Norr

I'm confused as to why people would skip the intro or outro you guys do. I mean, people pay money to be here so why not get the full experience.


Bro what is this show 😭🤣 and I am now confused… do I want a girl to say she loves drugs and me?


I don’t know which was funnier, this episode or your reactions? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Josh Wright

I think it’s fine to bring up any critiques u have with creators u watch but it does just come across very arrogant when ur justification for any of ur problems with the service is “u pay for it”




Lmao. I feel the same way when they pull me over. Hahaha. I just don’t conduct myself that way. And i dont think money says much unless i am dropping big tips or something but i get it and i respect people. We aren’t skipping the intros and outros but i guess we can turn down a notch next video. You will get a less hype experience when expression is restricted for $$$. Everything you saw in this video was pure passion without thinking “oh let me do this because they pay me” but I’m capable of that mindset and reacting like a job job with total respect to people’s desires

Josh Wright

The main thing for me is that creators listen the first time they hear OP and ED. I think most do now cuz they’ve had that feedback over time but sometimes when I go back and see ppl watching a show ik has a fire op and they talk over it I definitely get irritated. Only for first listen tho


Lee in the hallway doing 40 yard dishes trying to attract this principal lol 😂

R'ja Norr

I was looking over your comments and stuff and feel like I have been grossly misunderstood. As a person who has been misunderstood a lot in life I normally just let it go, but I don't like the idea of Lee misunderstanding me. I was not talking about the anime OPs and EDs nor was I criticizing lee and gang. I was wondering why people (the people who watch Lee) would not watch 100% of Lee's videos. There is great stuff in Lee's intros and outros (or pre and post reaction talk). Lee said people were not watching the post reaction stuff. Please keep doing what your doing Lee, I got nothing but love for you. This is not the 'Sempai noticed me' moment I wanted......

Neo Don

Good ep

Josh Wright

Dam cuz u didn’t put discussion on intro and outro It comes across very differently. My bad lmao sorry.

Josh Wright

Im rereading this comment with new context and I now find I agree with u lol

R'ja Norr

All good Josh. My communication skills are sorely lacking so I get it.


Lmao. Now i also feel like an asshole 😂😂😂. I looked over the videos and watched me talk over it 😂😂😂😂😂😂. My bad my bad my bad….I processed that comment for like 2 hours lmao and restrained myself. I do have people that mean intro and outro music lol I am soooooooo sorry lmaoo

R'ja Norr

No worries. For one thing you are the only reactor I watch, so I have no one to compare you to. I also get how the misunderstanding happened, my bad communication skills. I'll put more effort into wording things.


Me and director both making the same face at the exact same time when lee talking about clapping some cat cheeks. I had to turn my head and give him the side eye for a solid 10 seconds


I think Karane is more of the protector of the group. She's the strongest and more resilient of them. Karane being a tsundere makes the dynamic seem weird bet she cares for all of them, just doesn't show it much.


After foursome, I just abbreviate to polycule.