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Strong Woman Bong Soon ep 14 uncut

Watch "Strong Woman Bong Soon ep 14 uncut" on Streamable.


Yazzi B

I can't believe this episode got me again! I knew the outcome, and they still had my eyes glistening. Also, I agree this villain is definitely bitch-made.


Park Bo Young really sells it, got me crying too. Fantastic actress

Lizbeth Perry

I concur with you all, no one sells whooped in love like Hyung Sik. Park Bo Young and him made an excellent onscreen couple love your reaction.


5:14 Lee, you 100% were saying Guk Du correctly for once. It is Gook Doo. Not Do like doe, but do like i have to DO this. Guk Du is how it traditionally would be spelled. however Minhyuk is pronounced Mean and then imaging goofy saying hyuk. whenever a name has hyuk or hyuck in it, just imagine Goofy laughing. that's how it sounds.


yall gonna hate me for saying this but Bong Soon cries like a 2 year old and it's so annoying i almost wanna skip the crying scenes lmao


i also hate how much the villain looks like Im Siwan in this episode omgg when he cut his hair he looked JUST LIKE JONGWOO FROM STRANGERS FROM HELL, i wonder if this show was the inspo for his look on that shoe


I think every person that’s ever watched this drama as agreed that Park Hyung Sik really sells this characters love and devotion to bong soon. the amount of sincerity with which he delivers each expression is 100% the charm of this character. I truly feel that no one but him could have played this character as amazingly as he did. His chemistry with Park Bo Young was amazing but the actress said it herself that that Park Hyung Sik can look at you and make you feel that love and intensity with one look. The actress said that she felt it so much that when he did the confession scene he brought tears to her eyes. I remember seeing the BTS and she said the scene did not call for her to tear up but the way he looked at her made her eyes water.

raeven b.

🤣🤣🤣 me and my sister have this mutual opinion that Korean people cry in the same up-down tone that they use when they whine or pout lol I’m sure they don’t allll cry like that, but lord they do in the dramas 😂

strange& sleepless

apparently, the kiss while they were playing around with the chocolate was improvised xD


The villain is basically pure evil majin buu!