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Damn you guys are early, and I'm all for it!


Sir you are early and I commend you for it

Roronoa Zoro

Lmao the lee switchup in the pre discussion was funny af 😂😂


Yes!! Once again the writers way of writing in the comedy in the story is so good.


Was I the only one that got the dub version of this but no sub

Jazzy Jinx

There's a pun that's lost in translation here where Gettan was trying to say "Yukime" but since he was so jacked up it came out as "Yuki" which means "snow" in Japanese. So Cid thought he meant the money was buried under the snow. I see the translators tried to give a workaround where they wrote it as "Be near her" (Yukime) but it sounded like "Beneath there" (Snow) to Cid.

Roronoa Zoro

Oh and the reason cid thought getan said the gold was buried was because when he couldn’t fully talk anymore he muttered yu which was meant to be Yukime. But cid heard yu and thought he was talking about a Yew tree Edit: I love the conclusion ya came up with tho. That also makes a lot of sense too. Also what I’m saying is just how the LN did it


37:30 This whole episode had me HOWLING with laughter. To clear up the confusion: Cid thought that Gettan had stolen the money first, that Yukime had put there, for John Smith. But Shadow Garden had stolen the gold first, that they thought Shadow had put there, for SG. So Cid's digging for the gold, but Gettan was pointing at the thing Delta found, not at Yukime. But Yukime thinks both John Smith and Gettan are talking about her. So when Cid shows up with a shovel, everyone assumes he's giving Gettan a proper burial. So now Cid is leaving town because he thinks Shadow Garden is mad at him for the betrayal, but like usual, they think he's a 4D chess player supergenius and they're actually even better off than before, having taken over MCA's bank branches as well. There's a department store worth of gaslighting going on.

Daniel Turner

don't forget lee will see it on the rewatch and he'll read it eventually


Oh, that's really neat. I always like seeing how translators try to get around wordplay that only really works with the Japanese language.


It was great seeing you guys put all of the puzzle pieces together in the post-discussion. The humor works well on so many levels that it's funny on a surface level, but even better if you catch the more subtle dialogue throughout the episode that leads to something later on.

SilentOne (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-15 22:59:00 Cid really is really the worst as a MC in this specific anime, he still thinks this is some make believe game where he's alone. Money and Power is the only thing in his mind nothing more nothing else. Feelsbad for the girls... (IMO)
2023-11-15 22:58:24 Cid really is really the worst as a MC in this specific anime, he still thinks this is some make believe game where he's alone. Money and Power is the only thing in his mind nothing more nothing else. Feelsbad for the girls... (IMO) (edit)Well Alpha attacked him because she thought she was abandon & he killed Delta. wait am I missing something here.... How did alpha became alphaturd ...

Cid really is really the worst as a MC in this specific anime, he still thinks this is some make believe game where he's alone. Money and Power is the only thing in his mind nothing more nothing else. Feelsbad for the girls... (IMO) (edit)Well Alpha attacked him because she thought she was abandon & he killed Delta. wait am I missing something here.... How did alpha became alphaturd ...


As someone who has consume this show in every way possible it’s amazing watching things click for you guys in real time. So much can go over y’all head and the dialogue always be hiding things so it’s amazing watching how you process everything.


Yea lmao. This show really challenges youn even if your paying close attention. You gotta remember why your seeing something for later. Great for re watching


Amber Heard laid a turd in Johnny Depp's bed after a fight, so the meme became Amber Turd > Alpha Turd.

The Law_v1001

Everyone needs to stop underestimating my Man Cid. He actually had all of this planned out. He just wanted the money for himself to be at the top. Everything actually played out how he thought it would. He talked about the economy battle and both banks losing the people's faith. It's just the little details that he messed up on. 😆

40 luck

Cid didn't wipe their clan, that was gettan. Cid wiped gettan after he scared yukihime, then healed her.


As always the gaslighting is strong with this show


Funny part was that Cid never thought they could translate the text he gave as a code. That is why he had written it there, but he doesn't understand these girls are his voice recorders they remember every bullshit he spouts from his mouth :D. I wouldn't even be suprised if this full story ending is he will be some kind of Jesus to this world where people carry the Bible of Eminence and his holy words.


Seven Disciples, Gamma as the first Pope/CEO of the Holy Midgardian Mitsugoshi Church/Bank, someone turns Judas, and there's multiple interpretations for your chuunibyou-speak? I can see it.


I just love how Cid has GENUINE beef with Santa Claus. I love it all the more because at the end of the day he is literally a kid that would definitely still believe in Santa Claus even to this point. That is just one amazing thing about this episode. Holy shit eminence has constantly grown on me and the more it continues the more I am willing to put it next to Rezero and Mushoku as my all time favorite anime. Not even just isekai. I genuinely have rezero and mushoku at the top of my list. If it can compete in my eyes you have a top tier series in the works. The only thing that I have trouble with is me being jealous of how everything just conveniently works out for Cid even though he takes his "loss". Dude is blessed but doesn't give a shit and I wish I could in a certain way have a life like that. Its jealousy and I hate how everything works out lol


Despite everything amazing about this episode my biggest take away is still that Cid has ultimate beef with old saint nick


In the Beginning was Shadow, and to Shadow will all things return...


Its funny cause out of all of the females in this show it seems like Delta is technically the closest to Cid and who he is. She is literally best girl not just because she is simply just best girl. She is the only one so far who Cid can just chat with and have personal discussions with and not put on a complete act like he always does. He literally said at the end something about keeping certain things to himself such as his talk about how santa claus betrayed him over and over again.


One more thing does Cid have his John Smith mask always upside down? Bro is wearing the mask the wrong way the entire time he wears it lol. Unless I am just getting confused but it looks like the nose piece is on top instead of going on top of his nose


hmm.. this makes more sense now, well I'ven't heard about that.

Daniel Turner

Get tan got the family guy where’s my money treatment


So apparently, Cid intently wrote that letter... to look cool. He was under the belief that these girls will take long in deciphering it, and only after they're able to will they realize his plan then forgive him. That's another reason he's distancing himself, I can't...

Kazuma Sato

Lol at the prediscussion. Cid absolutely should not be excused for his selfish actions, treating this world and the people around him as playthings. Ignorance does not absolve from responsibility. Both intent (Adorkables angle) and impact must be considered. Im very happy though that the situation was resolved even if it through misunderstanding as usual.


No cid cut gettans eye after he killed yukimes mother and cut up yukime. He's not the reason why he went mad seeking power.


perhaps or perhaps its because he knows Delta is dumb as bricks 😂


Cid has been deranged from episode 1, this guy just cares about his chunibyo life.