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Damn Sundays ,we eating good

Bryce Jackson

The previous emperor was a freak. The way I see it. The mother in law thing may be kind of a mistranslation or possible difference is meaning to our understanding. The previous emperor married the empress cause she stood at the top because she had a son. However he still had consorts beside the empress, since the virtuous either didn't have kids or never laid with the previous emperor she could still be given to his son (current emperor) for political reasons. But the current emperor clearly doesn't have his father's....tastes (eeew)


Lady Lishua's food taster got Lishua's and Gyokuyou's food switched since she was so annoyed about Lishua being picky about food, she wanted to make Lishua eat something she didn't like out of spite. Since she did that the poisoned soup for Lishua was given to maomao instead.

Gavin Daniels

41:00 adorkable leading us to the promise land 😂


yup idk if the anime will get to it but yeah........ that guy

Alan Uribe

Another banger of an episode and yes the previous emperor was scum.


LOL that whole convo of mother-in law was hilarious. Simplify it, Lee what do you call your wife's mom? Your mother in-law. It's her mom, but your mother in-law.

R'ja Norr

I have just one very important thing to say about this reaction, where did Adorkable get her shirt from? I so need that to get people to stop thinking it's ok to assault me with hugs.


Lady Lishu, the one who was a consort of the previous emperor, was technically the mother-in-law of Ah-Duo the pure consort because Ah-Duo is a consort of the current emperor. Hence, at least on a family tree, Lishu is like a mother to the "wife" of the current emperor. She never had any kids with the previous emperor, and only became a consort of the current emperor for political reasons. She would no longer be considered a mother-in-law, because she's legally the current emperor's consort now.

John Ng

Lee, don’t be ashamed to not understand details from this episode. When I 1st watched it, I also had to rewind at a few conversations to get the datas fully understood. They hit us with something heavy today.


The mother-in-law thing is kind of confusing, but you must understand they are talking about the relationship between the current pure consort (35) and virtuous consort (14). The virtuous consort used to be the step-mother of the current emperor thus the mother-in-law of the current pure consort and later the virtuous consort became the current emperor's consort. Glad it got sorted out at the end though. LOL


34:06 to 36:36 The mother-in-law comment was about the relationship between the consorts, not the younger consort and the current emperor. The 14 year old consort was the 35 year old consort's mother-in-law when back when they were 9 and 30 (ie. before the previous emperor died) because consorts are like "mothers" to each others children since they are all the emperor's "wives". She is not the other two consorts" "mother-in-law" because the current emperor did not take on the additional consorts until he became emperor.

George McCall

The mental gymnastics at the end there was amazing.

Black Hawk

Time stamp 18:36 "looking sexy eating that poison " 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ngl, I was super confused, convinced it was a translation thing too. Adorkable saved my understanding, I see it all now, understood.


That last bit had me dying. Imagining Lishu being the baby's mother-in-law was really funny.


It seems some people missunderstand the thing that happended with Lishu and the food taster, all it really was is just switching the food because she's seen as a picky eater and not knowing her being allergic too it played a "prank" because she would be forced to eat something she's picky with in the presence of the emperor when actually being allergic to it.

Black Hawk

Food porn 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Exactly this, there's also no way MaoMao would have covered for an attempted murder.

Casper Ghost

So it was common in those days for kings or emperors to take children as "wives" or concubines but they wouldn't have sex until they hit puberty and could safely have children at the earliest. Concubines had to still be intact as virgins physically when they entered the palace so Lishu couldn't have slept with the previous emperor and still been a consort to the current emperor.


Best intro in a looong time lmao I love it


lol nevermind yall finally got to it haha it was that one line "Ex daughter and mother in law" that got missed 😂 i almost forgot too


This girl has some strange fetish to getting poisoned


That master Jinshi is most likely Emperor’s younger brother. When they were talking about the two brothers, they showed the younger brother’s empty spot and said he was there just a moment ago. And notice when Jinshi is shown, he looks unwell and says that the formal clothes are hard to wear; the spot he tried to enter is also the same spot shown when they mentioned emperor’s brother. So i am pretty sure he’s emperor’s younger brother


I was thinking about the 35 year old consort not having any competition until the previous emperor died and now I'm wondering if the three royal babies that died before Mao Mao made it to the palace were all her children. 😢


Virtue is mother in law to Pure. Virtue was a head consort of the previous emperor, while Pure was a head consort to the current emporer while he was still a prince (according to the chart they showed)... so that means that Virtue is effectively mother in law to pure, even though virtue was 9 and pure was 30. (just think if someone had two wives, and his son had a wife... both the guys wives would be mother in law to the sons wife... that is essentially the relationship here. virtue and pure are not blood related) Edit: you guys got it in the end... the whole confusion had me rollin laughing though. thanks for the great content!

Mark Greene

Y'all need to check out Ray Stevens' "I'm My Own Grandpa" for REAL confusion.