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Dionne McCrary

FINALLLYYY !! Let’s gooooooooooio

Patrick Rukundo

Lol 😂 it’s like rappers and chains, they gotta flex it to let you know they got money like that! Instead of investing and furthering their income


Nah Lee I love that you like the villains since Sukuna is my fav character. I just like how evil he is love a good pure evil villain

Dionne McCrary

I love that y’all love the villains! Villain supremacy!


We put respect on JoGOAT in this household. Really is a shame that he never got to have a real fight against anyone but Gojo and Sukuna. Just unlucky matchups every time he was onscreen, but getting the respect from Sukuna is probably the best way to go out. But yeah, very good writing this episode like you guys said. Especially since if you remember the first Gojo fight, he spent the entire time mocking him and calling Jogo weak, so we as the audience started to look at him as a joke. Then this season hits and we realize just how strong Jogo actually is and how much Gojo (And Sukuna) breaks the power scaling.


Yeah, I feel like the villains are actually pretty popular when it comes to series. Like, you can't tell me that you watched this episode and wasn't wildly entertained by Sukuna's antics.


Demons do get stronger based on fear right? So if Jogo just wilded out like Sukuna suggests he actually would have accomplished more


Also he would have only had to get dogwalked by Gojo once instead of getting babyshaked twice by Gojo and once by Sukuna 😂

Destiney Marie

Honestly gotta agree with Lee I find myself favoring the villains/antagonists sometimes😭. It’s honestly because some of these antagonists convictions are so strong and they have their reasons for doing what they do even if from an ethical standpoint it’s bad they know what they came to do. Gotta respect it 😂🙌🏽.

Roronoa Zoro

So lee wants the jjk society to work like the Mashle society. In mashle any who can’t use magic are killed

Kazuma Sato

So the writers allow Nanako and Mimiko to get disrespected like dogshit on the street and get cut into miliions of pieces but this annoying ponytail ass mf is still alive after all the brain damage Nanami gave him... These writers are wicked.


RIP Jogo, the True Protagonist of this arc! Put some respect on his name, he's much stronger than 5 Fingers lol He's just fighting the Top 2 of the verse :D


Thought the season was very good so far but it was being outshone by Frieren and Apothecary. This episode was top tier quality and if it continues, this might be the best year anime has ever had.


This is a great trend in modern shows. The good guy bad guy dynamic is a disease on western society and needs to be cut out so that people can be more objective about how to move forward in society.

Casper Ghost

Before the next episode you should rewatch Megumi's fight with Sukuna in S1; I have a feeling we'll finally find out what he planned to use before he gave up at the end.


Jogo pulling the two building together with giant flame hands looked a lot like Pain VS Naruto with the giant boulders. Also Sukuna's speech about the weakness of the flock mentality is similar to Aizen speech about putting faith in others. GOD I LOVE THIS SHOW


I love the villains too Lee you arnt alone 😂


Haha Adorkable "Ooh the bunnies so CUUUTEEE!" ...few moments later...crying face "Someone stop this man" :D. Honestly watching these reactions with YBRL laughing his ass off, the guy who stabbed megumin in the back truly is YBRL's spirit animal or his cursed version that is my own guess :D