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MAAAAN not all heroes wear capes thanks LEE arigato saimas!


Adorkable has some OP powers, I will never mess with her.


😂 Adorkable doesn’t always cook, but when she does 👌 👌 👌 hope her take isn’t cut on YouTube


40:00 Don’t forget about Lenore. She wasn’t good-good, bud she was good-bad. Unlike the games, I don’t think the show’s lore say that being vampire makes you fundamentally evil. There’s a few things at play: Power/privilege: the powers that you get when turning into a vampire might give you a superiority complex to regular humans. Especially if vampire target more people with some degree of power (political, financial, social, etc.), they already the mindset of being above the morals of mankind. Biology: I see the blood craving as analogous to addiction. People can be good and addicted, but will do really vile things to quench their craving. Immorality: Regular human have a scale of time that strongly dictates our morals and norms. We can see that just with how our societies changed with with increasing life expectancy or even how electricity changed how we organize our days according to daylight. Vampires doing away with that affects their “culture” and behaviour.


My prediction is the messiah being so powerful will have a way to insure Teras loyalty Teras sacrifice would be super undermined if she still helped out the good guys. I’m guessing she’s going to replace Drolta as the messiahs main baddy


Olrox is Aztec, who call themselves the people of the sun. Having come from a culture that worships the sun god, and believes it needs to be nourished by blood, it would make sense that Erzabeth is the anti-thesis of his core beliefs


Adorkable spitting for 30 seconds straight but about how she's more invested in Edmond lmao but got his whole name wrong 😂


lmao Eduoard 🤣 not Edmond


How y’all gonna spoil me with a Castlevania binge


Not sure abaut show lore, but in general Vampire lore once once your master lets you drink their own blood you are free from the mind control, so we might get her back at one point And yea I have no idea what the hell abbat is, but he aint a forgemaster. True formula is simple. You get the body, you take some random ass dammed soul from hell, magic happens, congrats you have night creature. This machine is putting back the og soul back into the body, so probably that's why these are slightly different (aka. they can speak) and arent 100% loyal. Wait...now I have a theory, back in og Caslevania out of thousands of night creatures Isaac made one could speak. Meby that one wasnt special "just beacuse" and just randomly Isaac pulled this guys soul out from hell and happend to put him into his og body making talking night creature


thoroughly enjoyed both intro and outro convos

selina kyle

My sweet beautiful baby boy alucard IS HERE

Tijay Carroll

you got to remember this doesn't take place in Walachia so he was far away from here


Sekhmet is a lion headed deity (most Egyptian gods had animal heads) so that’s probably why she is a furry now.


I do remember one of Isaacs nigh creatures talking but it was still loyal. I agree with you guys that this machine probably makes “inferior” night creatures that are less loyal.

Donovan Kagy

I was hoping that olrox was alacard son or his underling