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First off, I like Adorkable's hairstyle this video. Now, what happened to the whip? From what I remember, when a regular vampire or night creature gets struck by the whip they explode. Either vampires got more powerful/durable over time or from the looks of it the magic evolved and at the same time got weaker.


Aww Adorkable's hairstyle is really cute


That was the chain whip Trevor got in season 2. The original leather whip definitely didn’t kill everything in one hit


Sypha still carrying the Belmonts 300 years later


When did you beat France ? France is the reason USA got their independance from England. wtf


Under the new leadership of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the rebellion finally defeated French forces in late 1803. On January 1, 1804, Dessalines announced the new nation of Haiti to a world that was largely unprepared to accept its independence.


Director is also Hatian and i am also Jamaican with 17% genes from Uk and Germany. We make references quite often based on our ancestry


So that's why it confused me, never knew Director was talking about that, thought he was talking from an american perspective. Thanks, now his joke does make much more sense to me lol


Lmao. Yeah. I feel that. We don’t repeat the orgin of a comment ha but it will he more obvious in the next episode.


I knew you were Jamaican but i guess i missed that he was Hatian. I was supposed to go to Hati a few years ago to accompany my adoptive little sister to meet her birth parents but the situation there keeps getting worse and it made it impossible. Truly hope Hati will recover one day, it's one tragedy after another there.