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Not sure if there’s a reason for it but all the Magi’s look gender fluid, despite hair on Leam’s. Maybe because they are in that world with a purpose besides reproduction?


Loving your magi reactions.

Trayvon Brown

Director almost didn't make it thru this one 😂

Lotus Gramarye

Y'all almost got it, kind of a capitalist country metaphor, but it's more closely a prison metaphor. Group of people, considered useless or rejected from society entirely (innocent or guilty of anything), concentrated in a particular place (prison), used solely for their ability to produce tangible energy (prison labor), for everyone else. What I'm saying is we never laws tougher on crime and get that prison population to one-third and we'll all be living like kings just like Magi showed.


Thats accurate. Thats why i said capitalism because our prisons are often privatized and held by corporations. They profit of prison labor and lobby politicians on laws that boost boost incarceration rates.

Random Guy

I wouldn't say they are innocent. Most of them, especially the older generation chose to be there for a reason. Free food, free shelter, free alcohol they literally get provided with everything they would ever want. According to them they could move out anytime they want as long as they have a skill that can contribute to society. But they dont wanna coz they're bums. In fact most if not all of them seem completely healthy, aside from being a little dirty maybe. The magoi drain only hurts if they are sick, for Marga's situation I would blame her parents for that. And honestly i feel like the way the Magi world is currently at I'd say they're probably more in danger outside because at least down below, there it's not hot, it's not cold, there's no natural disasters, probably no crime coz there's nothing to steal. Meanwhile outside I feel like they'd probably die to bandits or some random king waging wars.


Cool it w/ the antisemitism, goy Also technically the old farts DON'T choose to be there, they are the only ones who are FORCED to be there, because of being on the side of the Musta'sim even shittier regime back when the revolt happened, so the dude w/ obviously nicer looking gear is one such government official etc, so he'd obviously not be able to get out despite his obvious skill that an official like that would have from training alone from young age

Random Guy

You need to read bruh. They chose to be there. They can get out if they wanted to as long as they become useful to society. If you are absolutely talentless and no real skill to speak of you can still become a soldier at least (which is a pretty easy job by the way, because anything difficult are still done by mages anyway) or a laborer or an apprentice to a business. Unless you are a vegetable then there will be at least some kind of job that you can do even with minimum effort. But NO, they chose to be there because as one of the guys said, they don't have to work, they can have as much alcohol and women as they want. If you want to live in a world full of people who wants to leech off you while going out wasting their life smoking, drinking, debauchery and not working then you do you. Marga was an unfortunate product of irresponsible parents and bad genetics, which is the same thing in real life. If you have shit parents then you are probably not gonna be well off in life either. Real life is probably worse coz no one will give you free food, free housing, free alcohol without working. If that was real I assure you there will be people signing up. Also it will be explained more later on but I wont say anything because it will be spoilers. Also how did you even reach anti-semitism? Nobody was talking about Jews. I'm talking about bums and leeches of society.