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Saul Weisman

That sylphie confession must have been a godsend to Rudy saying she wanted to be together forever since he prolly still traumatised af from eris ditching him

Justin Yong

Slyphie talking about his staff is foreshadowing. Calling it now. So thick.... Edit: also, Slyphie humping that lamp absolved Rudy of all his sins. He's no longer the most degenerate person in this series.


man im loving this season i can't wait for next core.


This series is trash, but it's not my trash

Edgar Luna

Peak fiction indeed 💯

John Strickland

Little piece of power scaling information: when sylphie activated the ring she was signaling a whole bunch of other mages that Ariel hired in advance to cast that rainstorm. So rudeus was actually going against sylphie and a bunch of other mages when he was trying to disrupt the storm which is pretty crazy that it took that much to stop him.

R'ja Norr

I don't get how Sylphie could think he forgot her, when he is wearing the very pendant she gave him all those years ago. Also, I looked closer at the birds and feathers in the OP. Very interesting the symbolism in the colors.


i mean Pax is still down there in degeneracy. not even the entertaining kind


My boy Rudeus can be quite dense, sometimes. PERSONALLY, I would have lied, and said that the Teleportation Disaster gave him partial amnesia. It's the perfect excuse! Why he remembers some things and not others. One possible reason why he came to the Magic Academy, not to cure his ED, but to cure his amnesia. He could even have fake "flashbacks," where he's suddenly remembering something. Get some sympathy points at the right moment, and suddenly "pet Sylphy's cat," if you know what I mean.


Oh shitttt I thought I saw a post about things being delayed. Hell yeah!!


A funny little thing to look at is the titles for the episodes. Last episode "These feelings". This episode "To you". Next episode before the break "I want to convey"


It always be the quiet ones that be the most freaky. This proves it even more.


Eris was the one who gave him the staff. It was for his birthday before the teleportation. When they were talking about the staff the thing to worry about what bringing up Eris. It could have ruined the entire mood. Remember Eris is his first....


You guys starting to mix Eris & Roxy to being same girl, they aren't. Roxy = goddess , Eris = red head first time =). Good episode, finally Sylphiette mystery is worked out, we should now start to move the story forward once again, maybe even next episode already things start to go crazy.


Nice Tyreek jersey

Casper Ghost

Watch Eris show up next episode.


At this point I think her friends realized that Sylphy is just as horny for Rudy as any guy could be for a girl. You don't really see the girls of anime that straight forward very often.


You did and I set the expectations as low as possible so I can be free to upload at my own pace depending on directors schedule and my own

Casper Ghost

I only just thought about it but is Luke Eris's older brother Phillip mentioned in season 1? 14:00 The princess's face is even better when you think about the first scene we saw her in when she and Luke were discussing their preference in nipples. lol Literally all of the nobles we've seen have been pervs.


He knew Sylphie when he was a child and as you grow up your child memories fade. I think it was mentioned earlier in the season that he doesn't show the pendant publicly because he did not want to be affiliated with Enalise's extracurricular activities.

Osiris Cage

Eris is the noblewoman who gave Rudy the staff


Y’all mixed Roxy and Eris. Eris was the one who game him the staff on his 10th birthday. Which honestly would of been worse if her name got brought up


Luke's father is Paul's brother Rudy and Luke are first cousins they are both part of the Notos Greyrat bloodline we saw in ep 0

Casper Ghost

Phillip told Rudy that he had to send his boys to be raised by the family head, Pilemon.


the family head of the Boreas so Phillips brother he said it himself "my brother in the capital" Pilemon is the family head of the Notos there's different family heads for each line of Greyrat Pilemon is not his brother

Justin Yong

Ah crap, forgot they didn't kill that guy. Well between pax, elinase, and sylphie we can say Rudy is no longer top 3.

Jamie See

We got 2 episodes left still this cour has 13 episodes. Let's wait and see how this plays out.


I recognize friends since kindergarten well into my college years. I can imagine any of my close friends from my 1st grade class. Much less people i actually hung out with

tracee miasco

I spoil people but i wont spoil u guys

tracee miasco

i want to explain the politics side but i think they might explain stuff on the last episode so ill hold out for now.


But wasn't Julius stabbed by his senate? Or was he beheaded by his brother


Im still hating on sylph for not telling him when she knew good and well he was looking for her. Spare me the excuses about her insecurity and all that bullshit.