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Yall wilding for letting this keep losing the poll...great show glad i decided to just do it...ya'll should give it a chance....

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Bro I voted for it every time LOL


Lol me and coping and dist tried to tell y’all. That’s why you should implement tyranny and no more polls 😈


Finally! A good show


I love gundam and with the return of my favorite gundam series, I hope we get the seed timeline if you haven’t watch it.

Destiney Marie

That’s the reason why polls can be iffy sometimes because people will vote for shows they might not have even seen before and just vote for the show because it’s popular. I completely understand the purpose of polling to see what people generally want to see but it does suck for underrated/unpopular shows that are miles above some of the popular stuff. But I love that you guys still give shows a chance even if they lost the poll🙌🏽.


so basically if i want to start the gundam series (im assuming they are connected?) where shud i start from. as a mecha noob who only watched code geass and Gurren Lagaan and Evangelion.

Coping McCoperson

cant trust these polls, same people who didnt vote for this voted to subject you to 6 months of Midgi


You can start watching this one. Some gundam series are connected, but this one is stand-alone.


It's one of the worse gundam series, but still great visuals.

Edrei Z.

Witch from Mercury is definitely worthy of the new generation, especially since they incorporated a lot more modern tropes into the classic Gundam story. That said, the writer for this show also did Code Geass. So you know you're in for a ride.


fire show, cant wait


Yup. I also have to give value to your money by giving a say on content so you stay 😅


Think of it like Marvel and DC. You have the main ‘universe’ of Gundam that is referred to as the ‘Universal Century’ which began with the original ‘Mobile Suit Gundam’ and has numerous series within it that are all connected to each other. Then you have shows like ‘Witch from Mercury’, ‘Gundam Wing’, ‘Gundam 00’, etc which have nothing to do with the ‘Universal Century’ and could be considered the ‘Multiverse’ of Gundam.

Edrei Z.

Anything that says UC (Universal Century) in the synopsis are connected. A lot, like Witch from Mercury, Iron Blooded Orphans, Wing, or Seed are standalone and can be enjoyed as is.

Destiney Marie

Lmao😭. Look if you guys aren’t watching anything I’m watching at the time I just watch older reactions. I plan to stay on your patreon for as long as you guys run it.


Problem of polls, why YBRL you should focus on having variety of genre shows in your schedule even for yourself. Variety is spice of life =)


F*CK YEAH LET'S GO!!!! Glad Lee said screw the poll and just went for it! It's definitely worth the watch!

Kevin Baker

Escaflowne mention! Loved the series and movie back then.


Appreciate that. This was definitely something to justify enjoy cuz i heard good things from people with “good taste” ha


WTF my bois, I literally just today checked if you had Witch From Mercury reactions


this is mid tier gundam at best. the only really good ones recently(ish) have been "thunderbolt" and "the origin"...

Daniel Gonzalez

Have you seen the new movie trailers it looks so good also waiting for part 2 of Hathaway Flash

Scott Tyson

Yoooo let's goooo!! I hope my campaign memes made it across your eyes for this show on the discord last time it was up for polls.

Ikee boi

aw sick, been waiting for this one :)



Ikee boi

Delling: Humans should be killed by humans, not machine *ahem* Heavy Object would like a word xD


Let's go!! The Opening and endings for this show go hard.

Casper Ghost

2:30 Holy fuckin' shit another Big O fan!!!! I LOVED that show as a kid but when I tried to find it as an adult I couldn't find any way to watch it online and the disks had been back-ordered for years. I don't even know anyone else that remembers it anymore.


There's so much that never wins polls but is actually amazing. Like hinamitsuri, bungo, and golden kamuy among a few others.


Like the other who replied said most modern gundam series are stand alone. However, if you want to get into the original timeline, the "Gundam: Origin" series has great visuals and retells the original story in a more updated format


Tyanny of the majority. Never trust a poll. (well, sometimes never trust a poll)


Can you guys do gundam 00 after this it’s so good and it’s on YouTube ?


Lol thats how I know who skips intros lol. But that’s ok. It’s addressed right away


I didnt even watch the video yet 😅 i just commented over the excitement of possibilities but damn y’all watch it already haha

Donovan Kagy

You guys should watch magic and knights it’s a mecha anime that’s underrated

Daniel Gonzalez

Did you ever finish IBO?that was actually the reason I first became a patron but I know you were watching it on your own time remember you got pretty far too

Ernest Mitchell

This isn't Iron Blooded Orphans but I'll take it.

Ernest Mitchell

@3:00 if we talking about Mech anime: Eureka 7, and Gad Guard (underrated)


If I’m being honest I think it’s rated appropriately. It could have been better.


As a classic Gundam fan I admit I've been fatigued by the newer Gundam shows. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the new direction some of them are taking with the universe, but some of them are just not memorable at all and feels like empty spaces. Or I just seems to care less and less. So now I'm trusting you, Lee. I'll give this a try.


I don’t have gundam fatigue cuz i dont watch a lot. So it comes off freshly to me btw. I get nostalgia with modern animation


Nah nah, I'll be collecting your right thumb and pinky if this ain't it. No excuses. 😈😈


Think Cado actually /isn’t/ willing to sacrifice people to achieve her side’s goals; that’s why she has Elnora stop trying the test when she keeps pushing at the very start. Their “baby,” that particular Gund, wasn’t responding the way they needed it to, to /prove/ it was possible to run without killing its pilot. The two that weren’t detailed were the ‘standard’ model that there wasn’t any point changing until they could prove LF could work as “simply” a life aid. What the attack was about, amounted to “yeah I dunno about that” and making their slaughter justifiable before any such proof could bear fruit. Effectively, “they totally have WMDs” (off the mic) “leave no survivors.”


Hell yeah!! You guys are reacting to this!! 10/10


Freakin love Gad Guard, been years since I watched it.

Jordan Postle

Mobile Fighter G Gundam will always be my favorite Gundam.

Sharles Davis Kendy

I’m super behind but I just want you to know this is the show that brought me here.