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Teyon Alexander

It really is Not the inventory of reactions! Who knew? 🤪

mitch anderson

This episode was truly amazing, between Rudeus' PTSD and Sylphie's outrage. Best episode of Mushoku in a minute

Gundam42 D

Funny thing is Rudy saving Nanaoshi from being flatten by truck kun is eventually repaid without her knowing with her telling Orsted to spare him really worked out karma wise.


damn this episode just be like "heres some heavy plot. swallow"

Daniel Borrego

this episode was good sauce, but i kept looking at the clock thinking ah damn its gonna end too soon . this is pretty much the end of what i rememember from this arc except for the conclusion to the rudy sylphie thing. other then that i have no idea whats gonna happen next and even that i dont know when it will happen exactly.

R'ja Norr

I like the way they played with her name. Shizuka means Silent, Nana means Seven, Hoshi means Star. Shizuka Nanahoshi = Silent Seven Star.

albert rodriguez

welcome to mushoku tensei, welcome to this fandom that has been making theories since this point in this story, this is just the beginning and I recommend that you watch the first minutes of the first chapter of the first season and see it with what you saw today


I dont think the world would snuff Rudy out for doing big things. It sounded less like there is a predetermined route the world tries to keep and more like the world sees outsiders as some kind of virus or infection and if they get noticed (such as by doing big things) then the world reacts like an immune response to an invader. I dont think this would affect Rudy though since he is not an "outsider" at this point, at least that is what it sounds like when she was saying "everything in this world has mana, even dead bodies" after just saying that she has zero mana. the lack of mana could be what the world would see as signaling an outsider. If so, Rudy should be totally safe. Also, Rudy definitely recognized her. There was a flashback where he remembered her. Pretty sure he wasnt saying anything to her when he just said he was in an "accident" cuz he was a huge loser in his past life and likely doesnt want to reveal what kind of person he was back then, even if he did save her.


In episode 1 after he is hit by the truck, the police say that 2 of the high schoolers of the three he saved were missing. Now we know what happened to those 2. I never thought we would find out, that line in episode 1 always stuck out to me on rewatches, but I never thought it would be part of the main story.


The reason she wears the mask is simple: She don't look like a native. She don't age like a native. She also travels with a Capital-P Problem. So, wear a mask.

spam protection

im so glad yall left that part in for patreon, i am not a ln reader so hearing yall come up with a cool sounding theory was great, im rooting for it


Yooo THIS IS CRAZY! For now I have 2 theorys. One inspired by you guys one inspired by Overlord (no spoilers obviously cuz you already know all Overlord info I'll use and I don't know shit abaut MT cuz I'm watching it with you) 1. Man-god is much closer to capital G God in power than I though before. He is "outside of time", meaning past, prezent and future are all the same stuff for him, so he interfered in the summoning and putted Rudy in perfect place and time to counter whatever the other summoner wants to do, aslo beacuse he is on compleatly different lvl his "reincarnation-summoning" is MUCH better than whoever just yoinked body and soul 2. Just like in Overlord the time in Japan flows EXTREAMLY slowly compared to New World to the point of all game stuff sucked in at the exact same moment from Japan perspective arrived 200 years Apart (yea I know IT goes deaper but it's MT theory so lets just pretend it's all due to timeflow and ignore other hints). So assuming the same is true for MT and assuming summoning have an epicenter spells starts at and expands to full range in time (just like any bomb blast have a center and bomb and everything caughr up in the blast technicly get hit at different time, extreamly short time, but still different). So if both these assumptions are true someone wanted to summon this girl for whatever reason "body and soul" (OR she was supposed to die there and litteraly be Rudy), but him jumping in caused him to take her place and summoning to backfire after catching more targets than intended causing both the disaster in the process, and the miliseconds between reaching from epicenter (where after pushing her away Rudy was) to where he pushed her in Japan time was equivalent to the X years between Rudy being born and the mass teleport disaster. And if the 2 friends she was with got caught in teleport too they arent in this New World yet, they will arrive...well I'm going back to S1 EP1 to pixel measure the distance to have some good assumptions, but for story to make sense some time during Rudys lifespan probably causing 2 more "mass teleport disasters" whenever they arrive. Oh aslo under this theory I have explenation for why she both can't change anything big in this world and don't age. Her body is litteraly from Japan, so it still runs on Japanese rules. She ages...just in Japanese time and if few years in the New World = not even a second in Japan this would be so extreamly slowly it's unnoticable. And for why she can't to anything big. There are some theorys under the umbrella of pararell worlds that if you mess with pararell world too much as an outsider it will cause entire world to collapse in on itself and basicly get deleated, so if it was to happend the world would just deleate her moments before she could cause it as some kind of defense mechanizm

Daniel Borrego

well you definitely could be right about the man god. orsted said paul never had a son, not that zenith was never pregnant with one. i dont think orsted knows events to that kind of detail. just more big picture stuff. mangod could have slipped a soul into a stillborn


No spoilers. Some of the stuff in this episode was foreshadowed in the season 1 Orstead encounter. If you recall, Orstead has a curse that causes all living thing in the world to fear him (Eris, Ruijerd, and the bull were scared af), but it didn't affect Rudy because he's "not from this" world. However, it also didn't appear to affect Silent Sevenstar who could even stand right by Orstead's side just fine. Another detail is that Silent Sevenstar is the only character we've seen so far with black hair, a signature trait of the Japanese. Her character seems extremely similar to Shizue from Reincarnated as a slime. They both have long black hair and wear a white mask. They were also both "teleported" to the world as opposed to being "reincarnated" like Rudeus and Rimuru. Also their names are similar since Silent Sevenstar's real first name is Shizuka.

Daniel Turner

6 times lee, the cross happened, wasn't me who counted, 22:40 for context


Nice thank you for that info liked that you compared her to Shizue because now that you say it they were both teleported and also they both hate the world they are in


Update: Rewatched season 1...yes all of it, binge got me once again, and going full MattPat with the pixel-measuring distance an aproximating time of next arrival is a dead end cuz Rudy was litteraly dying and getting born at the same time...but going full Overlord and "ritual is fucked stuff will arrive at set time intervals" still stands untill proven otherwise. So if I'm right we can expect another massive disaster as the S2/S3 finalle (or mid-season finalle) depending on how fast they will push timelane forward


Adorkable looks nice with the makeup on. Not too much but enough which is nice.


Finally here, time for the story to progress better as fun as Rudy praying to his goddess panties is fun the story wasn't progressing forward.


Shizue in the end didn't hate the world, Shizuka is different in that sense. Another is why Shizue accepted her new world is that she was a child and you can then adapt faster and easier as she didn't have that much memories from our world. Shizuka is high school age girl so she had a lot of memories and things she lost + her having no mana makes her very weak creature in this world. Her magic items are obviously from Orstedt.


I would say just focus on the difference what happened to them, Rudy died and reincarnated while these 3 got teleported. I think Rudy was accidentally affected by that teleport magic when he tried to save her from that truck, which led to him being reincarnated from his dying from the wounds from truck-kun. That is my own theory. Rudy is accidental being there and these 3 youngsters were teleported here to be used for something, basic guess is the actual Demon God Laplace they have been talking about.


Well isn't it if we only think in the story, that she did that on purpose. As a code for if either of the 2 she got teleported with heard that name they would think of her name.


As a LN reader I just like watching the reactions of people who don't know what's coming.


Love the theorizing. That’s all I have to say


Also the reporter at the beginning said "2 missing students" and a paramedic was interviewing the third, so I'm pretty sure onle Nanahoshi and one of her friends got teleported, and since they didn't arrive together, she doesn't know the other was left behind


She probably wears mask probqbly because she is asian and absolutely no one in this world looks like her.