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its okay not to be okay ep 8 uncut

Watch "its okay not to be okay ep 8 uncut" on Streamable.


Spαceϻαη ¹

Yep, You can sue for basically fuck all in Korea. Mf's can talk badly online about a Korean business while overseas and still get sued somehow. Also what the alcoholic guy gave Gang-tae was a fish cake sausage (basically tastes like crabs).

God Enel

Yea in Japan you can be sued for defamation even if what you said was true. Shits crazy lol

Sne Msomi (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 08:43:54 lol I think y’all think she’s way more toxic then she actually is . She just wanted to play poker then him She had no reason to think sang tae would be mad about the toy gang tae didn’t tell her to hid it . She also had no idea she was mad about that man she thinks he is jealous of the pen .
2023-08-25 05:11:37 lol I think y’all think she’s way more toxic than she actually is . She just wanted to play poker with him She had no reason to think sang tae would be mad about the toy since gang tae didn’t tell her to hide it . She also had no idea he was mad about that man she thinks he is jealous of the pen .

lol I think y’all think she’s way more toxic than she actually is . She just wanted to play poker with him She had no reason to think sang tae would be mad about the toy since gang tae didn’t tell her to hide it . She also had no idea he was mad about that man she thinks he is jealous of the pen .


I think you guys are interpreting the scenes more toxic than they really are. When she went to see sang-tae she specifically said she want to play poker with him. She did not go there to fight. 😂

strange& sleepless

She cut her leash and now he started cutting his as well, this was just the first step


I think this show does well at showing how sometimes you can be trapped in "only what you know". With their lives colliding together, all three main characters find they are capable of so much more than they realized. Gang-tae has always had the role of being a caretaker and putting his needs last; Sang-tae isn't given the opportunity to show how much is actually capable of doing; and Moon-young has been shown that caring about anyone but yourself is the only way there is. But through their journey together, they each are growing to learn there is more to each other and themselves than they thought. While Sang-tae is very smart and creative, he still lets Gang-tae take care of things like bills, food and so on where he can actually be much more self reliant. Gang-tae thinks he can never do anything for himself and that only Sang-tae's needs are important but it ends in resentment when he does. Moon-young never tried to think about others needs and she is starting to be more aware of Gang-tae and Sang-tae's feelings--learning that this can be rewarding too. Also, while Gang-tae does things to keep peace and protect Sang-tae, then neither one of them is really connecting or showing their true feelings so they actually miss out on more by doing this. What this show does so well is shows how sometimes when you reach outside yourself, it can be painful but in the end you are a better person for taking some risks and exploring more sides of yourself.

raeven b.

I’m so happy the last scene wasn’t some dream. I was as invested as y’all when I first saw him smile like that. I was like PLEASE GOD munyeong take his hand!!! Lol


1:17:48 The reaction to realizing she has a giant rock 😂

Ri Ta

Mun Yeong in that instance with the abusive ex showed for the nth time who she is. You can maybe mess with her for the one time but she will get you back tenfold. An eye for a whole lower half of your body or upper half, she doesn't give two effs 😭


I think you guys have not yet realized what the show is showing through the dynamic of the three (gang tae, sang tae and moon young) specially moon young. when watching the show, they set a really good example of the fact that we can never assume. because san tae is autistic specially his autism is very much visible and obvious, we assume things about him (being a child, not capable of things, doesn't understand) and we treat him different, the standard for him are different. whereas moon young looks 'normal' by societies standards, her disorder and mental health and trauma is not acknowledged. they both might appear toxic in their own ways and how their actions and words impact others which stems from their disorders and traumas. their brain works on a completely different wavelength then someone who doesn't;t have these disorders. doesn't make them weird or abnormal, they are just different, like everything character in the show and how we humans are. but because of the difference of visible verses non visible manifestations of their mental health, we put different standards on them. like in the scene they fought, sang tae is innocent cause 'he's a child, he doesn't understand or things should be done his way' or that walking around him in egg shells and its justifiable etc. but she is wrong, she must have planned it, she is doing it knowingly or she is toxic etc. they are both wrong, both didn't handle it naturally and just blowup though sang taw was the one who initiated. he is not jealous of gang tae being with moon young but the fact that gang tae's attention is no longer only occupied by him. its a change for him and he is struggling with it. cause it is difficult for him to process. therefore, him saying to gang tae ,'she can have mang tae but not gang tae'. he felt like she is taking what is his one by one. it has always been just the two of them and all three are struggling with how this new dynamic works. same for moon young, she doesn't know how to interact with people in a socially acceptable way. just like sang tae, she says everything without filter. they both do that in different ways. she just wanted to play and was carrying mang tae along with her. also, yes she didn't know what she was feeling was love, because she doesn't process emotions or expressions the way we might think (anti social personality disorder, I felt a comment about it in one of the previous episodes). they show is about how they learn from each other, how they grow, and navigate this new dynamic which can be specially difficult for them with their traumas including gang tae too. seeing sang tae's reaction to moon young, we have a little more insight into why gang tae might not have let any other or new person into this dynamic, so he is running away from moon young too partially because of this but its difficult!


31:55 I absolutely despise slurping loudly like that. We used to consider it extremely rude and it's what lowborn people did, but recently they've been pushing slurping as a cool thing or whatever with this mukbang culture. It's absolute bullshit. I have pretty bad misophobia and it drive me absolutely insane when people chew loudly and slurp. I have to actively suppress myself from getting violent. Most people in Korea do not endore slurping like, but for for some fucking reason, the media is trying to make it a good thing.


37:33 if a woman intentionally try to make me jealous, first she's getting a broken nose. Second, that'll be the last time we see each other.