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it's okay not be okay ep 6 uncut

Watch "it's okay not be okay ep 6 uncut" on Streamable.


Fiyin Cole

As an autistic person the scene at the beginning I can never take her side. I felt a little uncomfortable. As much as of an actual opportunity she gave Sang-tae, it doesn’t actually erase the reason why she did it. She took complete advantage of Sang-tae because she knew how much he likes and adores her, just to get Gang-tae to come to her. I mean she even literally says it during the moment “I told you didn’t I? You can run away from me” pure manipulation and nothing else. No matter how much Sang-tae was happy with it, SHE took advantage of him. It would have been different if Sang-tae knew that part of the reason she was doing this was to get his brother and he agreed anyways…but he didn’t. Which is why I personally cannot see it any other way no matter how happy Sang-tae is. Gang-tae ripped it up cuz he knew his brother was being manipulated as well as him. His reaction does not make what she did any less bad or make her look better…But that’s just my take. She definitely redeems herself later in my books but this was how I felt/feel at this point. Do enjoy your reactions as always though:)

Royal Yaya

I think her action do also reflect that she doesn't care about who you are if she can use you to her advantage she will. Because she doesn't have the concept of thinking hey this might be morally wrong she is just thinking of how to get what she wants. It's messed up yeah but I think that it also shows her growth later.


I don't think that's right . You're thinking from a normal person perspective, she isn't normal. She's has an anti social disorder so she doesn't know what right and wrong is, so the idea that she knows its wrong and is willing to do it anyway isnt true. Plus she treats everyone the same, that's how she is. Don't matter is they are autistic or whatever she treats everyone like a person so she treated Sang Tae like a grown man who could make his own decisions. Did she have reasons other than the book yes, but it was more like two birds one stone since she had been watching him paint quite often.

Lotus Gramarye

People with personality disorders are just as culpable for their shitty behavior as people without. There's some extra room for lenience but after a certain point you have to at least learn how to engage healthily with other people in a mechanistic way, even if on a purely emotional level you can't really understand it.

Fiyin Cole

First off, pls refrain from using the term “normal” she is normal, she is just as normal as anyone else, sang-tae is just as normal as anyone else, being autistic or living with a mental illness or having any other disability doesn’t make us “not normal” thank you :) We are just different in certain ways. Second, her having ASPD doesn’t mean her actions were any less manipulative lol. I’m not gonna say that her manipulating Sang-tae is okay or should be brushed off cause she’s a bit different. Also someone having ASPD doesn’t make them incapable of learning, so people with it can still learn to not having shitty personalities. So doesn’t really excuse it. She needs genuine help. She should be in therapy not having Gang-tae as her “safety pin”


This is one of my favorite kdramas but this part will never sit right to me. Her objective at this point and time had nothing to do with Sang-tae and only a way to make Gang-tae move in with her. She hadn't even seen but like one picture from Sang-tae so... To take advantage or use someone that someone else cares about in order to manipulate them to do what you want is never OK. True it will give Sang-tae a wonderful opportunity but that was never the reason but more a byproduct of it. Also, she didn't just use Sang-tae, she also got him drunk without knowing if this could have some kind of bad effect on him or if he took medications or anything...partly to get him to sign the contract. Gang-tae had pretty much been taking care of Sang-tae most of their life together--of course he was going to be upset if he thought she was using Sang-tae or taking advantage of him. I had someone in my life for years that I watched out for like that and nothing would make me madder or more upset than if I thought someone did something that could potentially hurt them. But, part of growing up and being more empathetic is learning that your actions can hurt someone else and have consequences. What I do love about this drama is that everyone goes on a journey and the characters change so much (but also still keep what you liked about them too). I think you grow to love them/care about them all so much by the end of series.

raeven b.

Juri's a fiery one, man. It was refreshing to see her character come through. She's got her work persona, and then lets loose off the clock lol I never expected it of her at first glance, but now look at her haha! Such a solid cast. I'm with you on the writing for this show. Just so good. So much layers to the show as far as the different angles everyone comes from and the genius in the timing of how they're revealed.

Syeshia Flag

The doctor pressed him about butterflies so he can get an understanding of how he can treat him for his ptsd that his younger brother had ask him about. It wasn’t to drive him out but more so gauge the level of the trauma and how he can learn what exactly it is he’s running from

Syeshia Flag

Oof this is one of my comfort dramas but I forgot why 😭 that sleep paralysis scene triggered something and Oou wee that was so hard to watch. She acted so well and it was so heartbreaking seeing this side of her under all that coldness.


Moon Young has anti social personality disorder! they mentioned it outright in I think the 2nd episode and even in this episode they mention she has personality disorder. thats why when she is in gang tae's room, she pushes her towards the facial expression stickers and tells her to memorize even if she doesn't understand, and tells her to take a moment before reacting. she has had no one to help her or teach her how to navigate people, emotions and society cause it doesn't come to her naturally. what would be obvious or common sense, is not obvious to her. now, gang tae does mention that she was just born that way but its not clear if it was nature or nurture (a result of her environment and upbringing, her mother). and also, immense amount of trauma we can't even comprehend.


I think in the end none of what she did (with Sang tae) is supposed to sit right with anyone. It just shows who she is and her personality. She will use him just as easy as she would use someone who is neurotypical. It isn't good or bad. It just is what it is.