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Spoiling us :)

Ernest Mitchell

Today is the day! Black Clover movie is out on Netflix TODAY!!!


This episode had the bootyhole profusely puckered...omg. What I love about this show is how the group formed....no issues. Everyone immediately started making moves to help the situation.


This show got me tense every damn scene lmao. Everyone is too lovable



Ed Hwang

This show has done a good job of showing us the chess match, the deductive reasoning on both sides, the moves, and how it plays out in fights, all flows from this. The characters are well written, as well. They express their intelligence by using what they know, to assess a situation and deduce versus left field intuitive reasoning.

Ed Hwang

There have been several examples of them displaying excellent communication skills. It's almost been a class on the topic. How to de-escalate emotions. How to empathize. How to build trust. How to apologize. Leadership and loyalty, through fear or faith. The way the group comes together feels right to me, because they took the time to highlight that, makes it feel authentic.

Irieezy. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-16 23:24:57 My anxiety is through the damn roof with this show 😰 the team up this episode was crazy I love it
2023-06-16 23:24:57 My anxiety is through the damn roof with this show 😰 the team up this episode was crazy I love it
2023-06-16 21:22:13 My anxiety is through the damn roof with this show 😰 the team up this episode was crazy I love it

My anxiety is through the damn roof with this show 😰 the team up this episode was crazy I love it

Podcast Fandom Premium

You guys, it’s not that hard to tell Korean people apart. 🙄


i agree, both sides. none of them are cringe in decision making in my opinion. its generally always reasonable plans

Just Chilline

The mom of our main guy Kim is also in Attorney Woo, the knifer who cut the feet is also in The Glory and the cop who got drunk with the 2 others is also in Vincenzo!!


Isn't there a time honored rule or suppose to be a time honored rule within organized crime that YOU NEVER GO AFTER THE MOTHER!


i don't know if you guys noticed but Mr. Choi (in the wheel chair) is Lord Ahn from Kingdom :)


Damn they never played Most Wanted, shouldn't have tried to push the engine side


I hope our man puts that car in reverse to help the other 2 with the gold bars!


Adorkable is so cute at 30:31 saying that our main character's mom needs to marry Mr. Choi, hahaha. Wholesome.


Lee, from your comments at 27:33, is not just a chaebol masturbating caught on video. It’s a chaebol being humiliated, and forced to masturbate. It sure must be embarrassing as hell. No men (or person for that matter) would want people to see him like that, I’m sure.


Same, I was screaming at my screen, lol. I looked insane af.


yeah nobody in their right mind would want to be seen like that. It's 100% banter and just saying whatever is in my head especially because at the time in this story i felt no sympathy for the man. Most of my outrageous takes like that are not serious...I think it..so i say it...and it's amusing to crack a few jokes with Director about it lol. "yeah go ahead..leak my video, ya'll not gonna be able to make fun of me unless you packing like I am..."...those are just dumb remarks we find amusing lol


Oh, ok, haha. Sorry. Sometimes it's hard hard for me to tell if someone is joking or not, lol.


its okay, there's nothing in my tone that implies i'm joking and i'm rather obnoxious...even Adorkable doesn't get it, cuz she's correct us and we say we are joking...just saying arrogant diaologue and seeing how far we can escalate the nonsense lol. the only clue...is it's soooo rediculous that nobody would really think this....like i really wouldn't have begged that girl in episode 2. cuz i'm actually a prideful person...i do not beg people for anything ha. never have...but it was fun to joke around about worshiping this woman at her feet...thats just funny to me..but i wouldn't actually do that lol. It's also how i can root for a Heinous villain and encourage them....i'm just lost in the moment of the show and i say whatever comes to mind. I really do think these things because i have an active imagination and massive ADHD

Ed Hwang

How did would you react if you were one of the henchmen. Having to stand there watching some dude raising the white flag. There better be some ribeye and a bottle of Blue label after that.

Amanda P

Not sure if you guys would be open to reacting to Reality TV. If you're into fitness and physique stuff, Korean show, Physical 100 on Netflix is really good if you haven't seen it yet!


i asked about the Physical 100, the common consensus was people don't interested in watching a reaction to it. but it's recommended to watch on my own


Finally watching these Bloodhounds reactions, but YBRL spouting "I don't care about these peoples lives, it's the money I am worried about" damn, now know YBRL priorities :D