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Akane is a genius method actor! She's like Heath Ledger in his role as the Joker. Hopefully she doesn't get consumed by the role!


you guys had some great discussions! RockLee's analysis at the end was pretty on point at the end too. Also really loved adorakable and the director's thoughts at the end!


Anyone know why this season, some famous anime keeps getting delayed? I think Hell PD delayed this week, mashie last week and now oshi no ko next week. Is it because of production issues or some sort of holiday in Japan?


Production issues. Anime studios already had hellish schedules and yet we are getting more and more anime.


Quite sad, hope it’s only delayed one time not lots of time like other show


I was seeing comments on Reddit referring to some Japanese tennis games going on? Not too sure.


Staringan Unlocked; +200% Charisma +75% likelihood of being stab

strange& sleepless

this is the most interesting anime i've seen in a while


Yeah adorkable nailed it in the end about Aqua putting Ai on a pedestal. Everything he describes about Ai, was part of Ai's lies. The smile, the gestures, how she behaved was all calculated. Even Ai said so. All Akane did was figure out the formula and ran with it.

Mufid Lassissi

Loved the episode . I highly disagree with end discussion tho. Aqua puts ai on a pedestal but he most certainly knows she was into some shady stuff before 16. She was pregnant at 16 and his goal is to find who she was messing with before then. So I’m confused by y’all saying he would be disillusioned by his 15 year old mum being taken advantage off in the industry. Unless I’m understanding your opinion wrong here

Mufid Lassissi

I’m confused. Aqua knew this tho. They literally had a discussion about it on the balcony when he was a doctor and ai told him she’s full of lies


I dont think he really grasped it though. Its one thing to hear facts, its another to really processes it and understand it as truth. At the end of episode 1, Ai mentions how she doesnt even know where the truth starts and the lies begin anymore. In alot of ways it seems even she lost herself in the lies. Now we have Akane copying and pasting those lies. Itll be interesting to see how he reacts to that

Mufid Lassissi

makes sense . We'll see. i just dont think aqua is that naive after he spent those times with her at the hospital.He doesnt know the full of extent but i think hes well aware she was in some dark stuff

TRexm578 _

I absolutely lost it when I had read the chapter where this happened, they went and destroyed my expectations. I love how faithful yet refreshing the anime is. I absolutely love y'alls reactions, you guys do fantastic stuff. #Akanebestgirl

John Ng

I was about to say that she's the same type of method actor as Aqua. Thus the 2 of them can act against each other in movies and shows.


I am dying to see the next episode! Aqua is not ready lol


I mean I believe in method acting and have heard some amazing stories of actors and actresses that really throw themselves into a part, but Akane? I was right there with Rock Lee and Director cause I got really scared when the eyes started darting back and forth! I wanted a pillow to clutch too like Adokable!😨 Oh and I think the fact that she could pull off the eyes was another reason that no one has put together that Aqua and Ruby are Ai's kids. As she Akane said, does it come from self confidence and also Ai's and her kids eyes were pure white, and when they are truly upset or angry in some form they turn black cause that happened to Ai and Aqua so far. Akane's stars are yellow so I think that indicated something different. Opinion on this idea?🤔


Yes! I didn't use any examples, but I totally mentioned the ones that really get into their roles for movies! The scary ones are the ones that lose and gain weight for roles and I can see that as a form of consumption so I can also see Akane getting consumed in some form and maybe even trying to become Ai without realizing it or confusion about her feelings for Aqua.🥺


Yeah I just saw a bunch of that or some special event going on which is why the manga is also skipping next week. I would love for that to be true. Aniplex is 100% having production issues with most of their shows though.


Yes I saw jujutsu & black clover break next week. Well hope it’s really true it’s delay just because of some events in Japan

Random Guy

im actually bamboozled. If i wasnt looking, Id have thought she was hoshino ai, even that voice is exactly on point


bruhhh the VA man. she actually pulled it off so well that i ALMOST thought they brought back Rie to voice that line. The more u hear it, u can tell the difference but her delivery and her acting and tone was so much like Ai. that shit gave me goosebumps even tho i already read the manga.

Anthony Nguyen

Nice cliffhanger. Let's find out if the fake can be more real than the real thing.

Luke Reid

i think the dad definitely still has to be involved with stalker finding ai somehow. it just doesn't really make sense to remove that plot hook, considering it was the single moment that changed the whole direction of the story


I disagree w/ Adorakable on her last point. The stalker knew Ai's family name which was stated as never being released to the public. Even Akane didn't hit on that or she would know Aqua is related to Ai, as he openly uses that family name.


Obviously, we (like Aqua) assume the father is the person who gave the info to the stalker. Also, I don't think the show has mentioned it, but Aqua and her sister must have a different last name than Ai's cause their tutor/step-mother is the wife of Ai's old record label since some time ago...


Nah, Aqua knows how Ai is. He knows she was selfish, egotistic, self-absorbing, beautiful and all that. But he still loved her and admired how she handled the spotlight. He may be super shocked cause he’s about to see the best Ai impersonation EVER.


Aqua is somewhat aware of the turmoils Ai had, cause remember that it was most likely the same stalker that killed him, remember? The hooded guy who was checking on Ai at the hospital, so Aqua knows what’s up. And the Dad is definitely involved.

Torfif (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-26 20:04:52 In episode one at 20:49 the stalker asks if he is Ai Hoshino's doctor. At 20:57 in his response he states her family name has "never been made public". In episode 2 at 29:05-29:10 both Ruby & Aqua introduce themselves at school using Hoshino as their family name.
2023-05-26 17:42:26 In episode one at 20:49 the stalker asks if he is Ai Hoshino's doctor. At 20:57 in his response he states her family name has "never been made public". In episode 2 at 29:05-29:10 both Ruby & Aqua introduce themselves at school using Hoshino as their family name.

In episode one at 20:49 the stalker asks if he is Ai Hoshino's doctor. At 20:57 in his response he states her family name has "never been made public". In episode 2 at 29:05-29:10 both Ruby & Aqua introduce themselves at school using Hoshino as their family name.


you got to have something to lower/counter that stab percentage 😅😂


"Teehee" end of episode


I am actually more interested at this point to get to the episodes where both sister and brother realize in their past life they were patient and doctor before their deaths and knew that way each other.


It's usually because they have a set time schedule to broadcast on japanese national TV, but some events can override that time slot and then the episode released gets pushed by one week.