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Unable to handle criticism. Sensitive reactor Rock D Lee responds to criticism lol.


Hot Take! Ichigoat Has Zero Plot Armor…It’s Science!

Why Ichigo is so strong



Finally YBRL talking like a real Bleachter "IT'S ALL AIZEN'S PLAN!"


You literally describing plot armour 😂 Plot armour is when the character survives or gets random power ups because the plot demands it and/or wraps around him. Aizens plan being that plot Aizen only set up the events, Ichigo still had to overcome them on his own. Aizen didn’t send him things he knew he could beat, he sent things Ichigo WOULD HAVE TO overcome to get better. It was still plot armour when he learns Bankai in 2 days, randomly unlocks Blut Vene, numerous times his hollow comes out etc By your logic all that means is Aizen’s plan (which was a terrible writing choice btw just saying) is Ichigos plot armour itself (up until Quincy arc. Aizen didn’t plan any of TYBW aside from know Ywach existed and would do something one day )


No plot armor only Aizen's plan going 99% on course


“used to refer to the phenomenon in fiction whereby the main character is allowed to survive dangerous situations because they are needed for the plot to continue.” I described him being essentially An Aizen experiment designed to be stronger than a soul reaper through science and sacrifice. So he’s surviving due to Aizens efforts long ago. Tho Ichigos birth was more or less not an Aizen plan the thing inside him is and from episode 1. Ichigo with a massive sword showed immense potential thus its not shock that he learned Bankai so fast and and it’s not a traditional Bankai. Byukuya questioned it. Remember the very fact that Ichigo even had a Zanpakato without it being given to him was ODD. His Bakai wasn’t following the same behavior as other Bankai. I cant place it in words. But that man just got stronger and happened to call it a Bankai 😭😭. They couldnt even steal his Bankai cuz it was whatever it was 😭 Your free to disagree. Just clearing what my angle is lol.


Give your wife a present aka 1062. You're missing the hype and all those views.


I felt like Lee just preached the good word to me. It’s all part of Lord Aizen’s plan.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

I said it once, I'll say it again. That's just facts, foreshadowing goes hard.

Desto Samuels

Crazy how this anime never has clear cut explanations from the fans. I always see everyone struggling to argue their points with Bleach when it comes to trying to justifying plot holes and plot armor. Usually they are pretty confident in their explanations even though it seems they are aware it's difficult for them to explain (not sure if this makes sense lol). I dunno at the end of the day I respect your opinion 100p Lee. But have to also respectfully agree to disagree. I personally feel explanations like these (in regard to plot armor and asspull) shouldn't be this convoluted. In addition tropes like plot armor are usually clear cut and shouldn't be this confusing to define or justify. In regard to the trope of "it was all part of his plan" can also easily be chalked up or similar to "it was all just a dream" trope but somehow is lazier imho. I say it's lazier because you can hide so many non explanatory asspulls behind it. In a way it's like "write stuff first thwn try to come up with answers later" which very much seems like what Kubo ened up doing for alot of Bleach (or at least that's how I feel personally). Anyways that's my 2 cents


lol lee your goofy, and i still agree that there isn't plot armor, if there is i'd say his friends are getting it, just to keep up with his growth