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I been saying the same thing as this lady. Y’all keep correcting me though 😭😭


raeven b.

Lol! You have 97% of it down, we promise. It’s just the “yong” at the end of “annyeong”. A lot of times when you guys greet us on the kdrama vids you all pronounce “Ann-ee-yo”. Annyeong is “hi” and “Aniyo” is “no”. That’s it as far as I know 🤷🏽‍♀️


HAHAHA, I'm no expert, but maybe try to pronounce it as "Ha-say-oh", like 3 different words instead of "Ha-se-yo". Hope that made sense!

Amanda P

Ahn-young ha-say-yo ! Is the easiest way I think, I'm Korean and this is how I tell my friends to say it :)

LightMyPath Star

You’re overthinking it bro 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Verse Virus

You should pronounce "annyeong" as "ahn-young" and the "haseyo" is pronounced as "ha-say-yo". Also, don't mind me, I just have the itch to correct things, words, items, etc...


Thisss just add the "ng" sound and you're good Lee it's sooo close haha

strange& sleepless

you still need to pronounce the 'ng' more, especially when you only say Annyeong.


Think like more how your mouth should feel when you make the "ng" sound and add a little stress to it when you say the word "annyeong". One thing I found that helped me a lot when learning tonally how to say certain sounds was to think of the placement of my mouth and where to place my tongue when I say certain consonants ^-^ for example there are no direct L or R sounds in Korean, it's a mixture of L and R and the tongue placement is more towards the roof of your mouth, rather than behind your teeth or in front of your teeth to make the L sound. ^-^ I hope that made any sense haha


The "ng" sound and the "eh" in seyo haha I wish this had a voice memo feature 😂


To have it down pat, just stress the "young" part, something like: "an younNG - hasayo" - but what you really need to do is clap back with "Aigooo" for those critiquing you in tve comment lol, "aigo" gotta be the most used word in K-dramas 😂

Ed Hwang

The "-ng" sound in words like young, rung, bong, gong is an actual letter, "ㅇ", is the "-ng" sound. Not pronouncing it changes it, like saying "gone" when you meant "gong"


I was about to type this out too. You're saying "Annyeo", but you have to wrap the sound at the end with the full "Annyeong". But otherwise, thank you for learning!

Syeshia Flag

That’s cause it’s based off the English (romanize ver) so it’s not really correct. Ahn(similar to on but a more Ah ) yong( young without the u) Ha - say- yo. If you say it a bit faster and don’t pronounce it too clearly it’ll sound more like a native.