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Damn I was hoping for some more Beef this week, and you just dropped the rest! Lee the Goat! 👏 and yes.. this show really went under the radar with a lot of people.. but I'm glad you still watched and stuck to it. It's kinda like Barry on HBO. One of the best written dark comedies of all time.. but hardly any people reacting to it. I think some shows are just poorly marketed.


Agreed. Here a lot if saw the cast and assumed it’s a kdrama so don’t give it a chance. Then the kdrama people know it’s not. So they also don’t watch haha. I read a lot of people think it’s a kdrama


There was actually a lot of talk about this show and praise but one of the actors past remarks and actions got exposed and his co-stars stood behind him so now most if not all have fallen off of it by now. (I haven’t seen it and don’t plan on watching but saw the caption and convo in the comment (thinking it was because ppl thought it was a kdrama) and thought I’d add some insight cause if I remember correctly you guys did start watching either in the middle of the scandal or towards the end after the co-stars supported him.)


YES! So much like Barry in the best ways. Wild premise, dark humor, ridiculous yet relatable and hateable characters, overall great storytelling.


"I likes yah. And I wants yah" Director with the Boondock's reference for Jordan 🤣


I hated Jordan, she represents colonization, culture vultures and ignorance and laughed when the tamago hit her it was so poetic I quite literally had to pause and laugh until tears fell out my eyes 😭 and the again when she got split in half I literally was like good for you Naomi cause man Jordan was just a gluttonous pig and wanted whatever she could get just a bottomless pit. I cried for Paul. That part had me so upset. *Edit: Jordan was especially heinous, she had crowns from lost civilizations as trophies. God knows how they got there whether she bought them or not, they were probably stolen.


Hush yo mouth and watch the damn show! It's more than worth your time 😆


Beef was #1 on Netflix US and a lot of countries for some weeks I think and I’ve heard Barry is a critically-acclaimed show though…


I have a question cause I’m not from the US: I though colleges were supposed to send you a rejection letter if you didn’t get in, but if Danny threw away the college applications, how come Paul never wondered why he didn’t get a response from those colleges? Even rejection letters? Also, I can’t believe Paul is dead, no. When a show or movie doesn’t show a character dying, they ain’t death. Unless he’s actually dead… Please no.


Well, I don’t know what happened nor I’m interested but a scandal won't stop me from checking out a tv show or movie, cause, do you know the amount of people that work on projects like these? Hundreds and thousands. It’s not just the actors. For example, there’s this HBO show called The Idol with Lily-Rose Depp and The Weekend and I read the alleged “scandal” behind it but the show hasn’t even premiered yet. I will be watching it and making my own conclusions though, haha.


The scandal has nothing to do with me watching the show I’m just not interested.


If you don't apply, the colleges have no way of knowing he is applying. The application lets the college know they are interested, so without it, they would have no idea. Edit: Paul prob just assumed they rejected him and didnt think much of it


Precisely. I thought colleges sent a reply back, like admitted or not admitted. If Paul never received one, how did he know he got rejected? He must have realized the applications were never sent... No?


Could be a bunch of reasons. I wouldn't put it past Danny to say he opened the rejection letters and hid them from him, just to make Paul think he did get them or something. Even go as far as forge them himself. Or just simply, Paul didn't really think about it when he heard nothing.

Ernest Mitchell

I feel y’all. This episode had me speechless.