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Please be patient.  I’m having an issue with The Video being automatically removed. This is either a bug or a new content id thing. so strange for it to he this of all shows….lol. 




Shouldn't be ID since Roshi & 1-2 others I'm subbed to don't have any issue despite also using integrated player


its happening to a couple reaction channels on random vids posted, patreon no bueno atm


i need that yun yun figure


Never mind it’s a classic patreon folding itself moment but we still blame lee because why not LMAO

John Ng

I've no idea what happens, but mine on ipad is working fine. It doesn't disappear. But the one on android disappeared. I tried to cleared ipad app and reopen, but the video is still there


It’s pretty late for me but I’m commited to stay up now for the reupload


Well I read your comments in open my iPad and instal patreon to see but for me it's not even on the ipad


The link is in the description of the previous kono post

John Ng

I have no idea what's the caused then. My ipad had no issue for me


Might be the song you guys were playing at the start, just a guess.